Alan Johnston

at Villanova University


  • Villanova University



Villanova University

Experienced instructor in electrical engineering and software topics for undergraduates and graduates. Leading expert with hands on experience in the design and rollout of WebRTC and VoIP communications in enterprise and telco networks. Recognized subject matter expert in SIP communication security protocols. Deeply knowledgeable and experienced with entire protocol suite for real-time communication including WebRTC, SIP, RTP, DTLS-SRTP, STUN, TURN, ICE, and ZRTP. Areas of specialty: privacy, identity, and NAT traversal. Author or co-author of 20 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standards. These include: RFC 3261 “SIP: Session Initiation Protocol”: the official protocol specification for the most popular signaling protocol used for IP communications. RFC 5359 “SIP Service Examples”: the basis of enterprise features implemented in SIP by vendors such as Avaya and Cisco, and in IMS. RFC 6189 “ZRTP: Media Path Key Agreement for Unicast Secure RTP” Active in current industry standardization of WebRTC protocols and APIs, SIP recording, SIP remote call control, media encryption and security using ZRTP, and STUN and TURN extensions. Frequently invited industry speaker at WebRTC Expo, IIT Real-Time Communications Conference, Cluecon, Enterprise Connect, Internet Telephony Expo, and other conferences worldwide. Have given tutorials on SIP, WebRTC, and security for government officials including the FCC. Published book author with five technical books including WebRTC, the first book on SIP, and three other books on SIP and security. Author of Counting from Zero, 2011, a cyber crime techno thriller novel that teaches Internet and computer security concepts including ZRTP. Holder of 14 United States and 6 European patents. Senior Member of IEEE. Amateur radio extra class license, KU2Y.


  • B.E. Electrical and Electronic Engineering (First Class Honours), University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia 1987
  • Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 1994

Areas of Interest:

CubeSats, space communications, amateur radio (KU2Y)


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