Alexander Hahn
Professor of Marketing at Technische Hochschule Nürnberg (Georg-Simon-Ohm)
Alex is Professor of Marketing with a focus on User Experience Research and Human Computer Interaction at Technische Hochschule Nürnberg (Georg-Simon-Ohm), Germany. He obtained his Ph.D. from University of Mannheim and has studied in Germany (Heidelberg and Mannheim), England (LSE) and New Zealand (AUT). He has taught / is teaching at Executive level at institutions such as École des Ponts, France and Morocco, LIMAK, Austria, Mannheim Business School, Germany, Solvay, Belgium, St. Gallen HSG, Switzerland, and many other institutions at Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. level.
Alexander has published in the world’s leading innovation and marketing journals such as Journal of Product Innovation Management, Research Policy, Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Marketing Research, and has been listed among the 20 most productive researchers by the American Marketing Association worldwide while focusing on marketing research.
As former head of innovation consulting for Munich-based strategic design agency HYVE, Alex has worked on branding and innovation projects with clients such as Adidas, Allianz, Audi, Canon, Deutsche Telekom, LEGO, Lufthansa, Porsche, and Vodafone, among others. He has further collaborated with global players such as BASF, Bosch Power Tools, Bosch Siemens, Elsevier, and Evonik, as well as with entrepreneurial firms such as 52masterworks, Munich Innovation Group, OMMAX, Reachbird, and temedica. He has co-founded, acquired seed and venture capital and exited HomeFox, a Fintech whitelabel startup focusing on real-estate.
In the classroom, Alexander enjoys enriching concepts and models with hands-on examples from daily business life. Moreover, he deeply believes in the value of human-centric design, prototyping and “getting out of the building” – things that you will do with him in this course.
Teaching areas
Digital Empathy
Researching Digital Empathy: empathizing with users' feelings and thoughts when interacting with digital technology in order to design user experiences that are of high functional, aesthetic and hedonic quality.
Accelerating Entrepreneurship
Enabling Executive, Master and Bachelor students at leading international institutions with a focus on Rapid Digital Prototyping for faster execution of Design Thinking and Lean Startup methods with a reach of more than 2.500 executives and 8.000 students
Ux Research
Exploring multi-method User Experience research methods across Affective Computing, Eye-Tracking, Behavioral / Clickstream data, Surveys, Ethnography,...
Consulting with 70+ corporate and startup tech companies on Digital Innovation and User Experience
Articles in scientific journals
- Hahn, A., Sandner, P., Knackstedt, T., 2020. The Blockchain Impact on Digital Marketing Plat-forms, Marketing Review St. Gallen, conditional accepted.
- Hahn, A., Riedmüller, F., Klug, K., 2020. Empathic Market Research: The added value of Eye Tracking data for Affective Computing UX Research, in: AfM: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Marketing – PraxisWISSEN, im Erscheinen.
- Hahn, A., Klug, K., 2019. Wie Chatbots empathische und automatisierte Kunde-Marken-Interaktionen ermöglichen, Marketing Review St. Gallen, 26(4), 12-21.
- Hahn, A., Maier, M., 2018. Affective Computing - Potenziale für empathisches digitales Marke-ting, Marketing Review St. Gallen, 35(4), 52-65.
- Homburg, C., Hohenberg, S., Hahn, A., 2018. Steering the Sales Force for New Product Sell-ing: Why Is it Different, and How Can Firms Motivate Different Sales Reps?, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Jg. 36(1), 282-304.
- Block, J., Fisch, C., Hahn, A., Sandner, P., 2015. Why do SMEs File Trademarks?: Insights from Firms in Innovative Industries, Research Policy Jg. 44(10), S. 1915-1930.
- Homburg, C., Wilczek, H., Hahn, A., 2014. Looking Beyond the Horizon: How to Approach the Customers' Customers in Business-to-Business Markets, Journal of Marketing Jg. 78(5), S. 58-77.
- Homburg, C., Vollmayr, J., Hahn, A., 2014. Firm Value Creation Through Major Channel
Expansions: Evidence from an Event Study in the United States, Germany and China, Journal of Marketing Jg. 78(3), S. 38-61. - Homburg, C., Hahn, A., Bornemann, T., Sandner, P., 2014. The Role of Chief Marketing Offic-ers for Venture Capital Funding: Endowing New Ventures with Marketing Legitimacy, Journal of Marketing Research Jg. 51(5), S. 625-644.
- Homburg, C., Jensen, O., Hahn, A., 2012. How to Organize Pricing? Vertical Delegation and Horizontal Dispersion of Pricing Authority, Journal of Marketing Jg. 76(5), S.49-69.
Essays in collected works
- Hahn, A., Klug, K., 2020. Vernetzung digitaler und analoger Lehre: Digital Prototyping Tools in der akademischen Marketingausbildung, in Naskrent, J., Stumpf, M., Westphal, J. (Hrsg.): Marketing / Innovation 2020, Digitalität – die Vernetzung von digital und analog, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden .
- Hahn, A., Klug, K., Bartl M., 2019, Digital Empathy: wie Künstliche Intelligenz & Affective Computing die Marktforschung verändern, in Pusler, M. (Hrsg.): Dem Konsumenten auf der Spur - Erfolgreiches Marketing durch zeitgemäße Marktforschung, Haufe, Freiburg im Breis-gau, o.S.
- Klug, K., Hahn, A., 2019, Mobile Research: Chatbots als Alternative zum klassischen Online-fragebogen, in Pusler, M. (Hrsg.): Dem Konsumenten auf der Spur - Erfolgreiches Marketing durch zeitgemäße Marktforschung, Haufe, Freiburg im Breisgau, o.S.
- Hahn, A., Hofmann, R., Schwarz, J.O., Meinheit, A., Füller, J., 2016. Easy Rider - Die Erschließung der Welt des autonomen Fahrens aus Sicht von Markt und Kunde, in: Abele, T. (Hrsg.): Die frühe Phase des Innovationsprozesses - Neue, praxiserprobte Methoden und Ansätze, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, FOM Edition, S. 75-98.
- Hahn, A., Firnkäs, J., Szplit, D., Rapp, M., Koch, G., 2014. Testerkampagne Audi Sound Plus: Identifikation und Einbeziehung von Produktbotschaftern mittels Online Communities im B2C Marketing, in: Arns, al., (Hrsg.): Zukunft der Wissensarbeit, GITO mbH Verlag, Berlin, S. 295-303.
- Hahn, A., Gfrei, B., Füller, J., Koch, G., 2014. Soziale Technologien im Innovationsmanage-ment, in: Schuh, G., Stich, V., Jakobs E.M., Ziefle M. (Hrsg.): Zukunft gestalten: Soziale Technologien in Organisationen in Zeiten des demografischen Wandels: Wissen – Innovation – Demografie.
Articles in journals and blogs
- Hahn, A., Klug, K., Riedmüller, F. (2020), Digital Empathy: Kombinierte Erfassung über Affec-tive Computing und Eye Tracking, DIGITALE WELT Blog, Wissenschaftlicher Fachbeitrag, abge-rufen unter URL: [], Abfrage v. 04.05.2020.
- Klug. K., Hahn, A., 2018. Messenger Marketing - Brauchen ChatBots eine andere Markentona-lität?, Markenartikel – Das Magazin für Markenführung, 3/2018.
- Sandner, P., Hahn, A., 2015. Crowdsourcing als erfolgversprechende Methode für Open Innovation in der Automobilbranche, Zeitschrift für die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette Automobilwirtschaft Jg. 18(2), S. 53-61.
- Walter, B., Hahn, A., 2015. Wanted: „Right Potentials“, Handelszeitung, Special Marketing, Oktober 2015.
Books / Monographs / University publications
- Hahn, A., 2012. Die Rolle des Marketing für die Ressourcenakquise junger Technologieunternehmen, Wiesbaden: Gabler
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