Amit Mohindra

CEO at People Analytics Success / Instructor at Stanford Continuing Studies


Stanford Continuing Studies

Amit Mohindra is a Senior Fellow in Human Capilal and Program Director for The Conference Board Intelligent Automation Executives Council. He brings over twenty years of business, consulting, research, and teaching experience to this role, along with deep technical expertise as an electrical engineer and labor economist. In addition to his work for The Conference Board, Mohindra is the founder and managing partner of People Analytics Success, an advisory firm that helps organizations accelerate and sustain the impact of people analytics.

He serves as an advisor to technology companies leveraging artificial intelligence to unlock the latent value in organizations, teams, and individuals. Mohindra also offers executive coaching to HR leaders to thrive in the world of big data, analytics, and artificial intelligence and to people analytics leaders to enhance their technical skills, manage change, and show up as business leaders.

Prior to launching People Analytics Success, Mohindra established and led the people analytics functions at Apple and McKesson. He has also held global leadership positions in human resources, rewards, talent management, M&A, and diversity at Lucent Technologies, IBM, and Goldman Sachs. He began his career as a research economist at The World Bank exploring labor market outcomes for women in developing countries. Mohindra taught economic development at Brown University and currently teaches people analytics at UC Berkeley's executive education program and Stanford University's school of continuing education. He is also a guest lecturer at the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley and the School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University.

Mohindra holds an MA in economics from Brown University, a BS in electrical engineering, and AB in economics and business from Lafayette College. He has been certified as a senior professional in human resources, a human capital strategist, a strategic workforce planner, and a compensation & benefits specialist. Mohindra is widely published and speaks on people analytics, artificial intelligence, and the future of work at conferences worldwide.


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