Andrew Bacevich

Professor Emeritus, International Relations and History at Boston University


  • Boston University



Boston University

Andrew J. Bacevich is Professor Emeritus of International Relations and History at Boston University. A graduate of the US Military Academy, he received his PhD in American Diplomatic History from Princeton University. Before joining the faculty of Boston University, he taught at West Point and Johns Hopkins. In the fall of 2014, Bacevich will teach a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) titled “War for the Greater Middle East” on the edX platform.

Bacevich is the author of Breach of Trust:  How Americans Failed Their Soldiers and Their Country (2013). His previous books include Washington Rules: America’s Path to Permanent War (2010); The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism (2008); The Long War: A New History of US National Security Policy since World War II (2007) (editor); The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War (2005); and American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy (2002). His essays and reviews have appeared in a variety of scholarly and general interest publications, including The Wilson Quarterly, The National Interest, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Nation, and The New Republic. _His op-eds have appeared in the _New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Boston Globe, and Los Angeles Times, among other newspapers.

In 2004, Dr. Bacevich was a Berlin Prize Fellow at the American Academy in Berlin. He has also held fellowships at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, the John F. Kennedy School of Government, and the Council on Foreign Relations.

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A former US military officer warns that efforts to target ISIS shouldn’t ‘hijack’ US policy

February 12, 2015

PRI’s The World Andrew Bacevich, College of Arts & Sciences President Barack Obama is turning to Congress to authorize an expansion of military action against ISIS… Expert quote: “The notion that if ISIS is defeated all will be well, that’s wrong. ISIS is a symptom of a much larger problem. ISIS is not the problem.” View […]

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US troops in Iraq ring of turning point in Vietnam War

February 2, 2015

Boston Globe (subscription required) Andrew Bacevich, College of Arts & Sciences LISTEN CAREFULLY. That’s a streetcar you hear approaching, similar to the one that President Lyndon Johnson hopped aboard a half-century ago when he plunged headlong into the Vietnam War… View full article by expert Andrew Bacevich

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Paris attack shows the West is not free from terrorism

January 9, 2015

Boston Globe (subscription required) By Andrew Bacevich, College of Arts & Sciences Striking similarities link this week’s terrorist incident in Paris to the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013. In each case, a vicious attack perpetrated in broad daylight in the middle of a great city, kills and maims innocents. In each, the attack originates not […]

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Torture report highlights consequences of permanent war

December 10, 2014

Boston Globe (subscription required) By Andrew Bacevich, College of Arts & Sciences The just-released Senate report on CIA interrogation practices since 9/11 contains nothing that would have surprised the journalist and critic Randolph Bourne. Back in 1918, in an essay left unfinished at the time of his death later that year, Bourne had warned that “war is […]

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Military Analyst: Obama’s Foreign Policy Initiatives Have ‘All Failed’

December 3, 2014

NPR “Here & Now” Andrew Bacevich, College of Arts & Sciences Military analyst Andrew Bacevich says Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel’s replacement won’t matter much because the clock is running out on President Barack Obama’s tenure and the conflict in the Middle East will slog on… View full article and listen to audio of expert Andrew Bacevich

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Obama’s strategy against Islamic State? Whack-a-mole

September 15, 2014

Los Angeles Times By Andrew Bacevich, College of Arts & Sciences “Comprehensive strategy.” That’s the operative phrase that the Obama administration has employed in rolling out its new campaign to take on Islamic State… View full article by expert Andrew Bacevich

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Analyzing potential challenges of fighting the Islamic State

September 12, 2014

PBS “NewsHour” Andrew Bacevich, College of Arts & Sciences View video of expert Andrew Bacevich

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With Islamic State speech, Obama deepens US involvement in Middle East

September 11, 2014

Christian Science Monitor Andrew Bacevich, College of Arts & Sciences In presenting to the American people his strategy for “degrading and ultimately destroying” the Islamic State (IS), President Obama essentially launched what he came into office pledging to get the United States out of: an open-ended military campaign in the Middle East… Expert quote: “This […]

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You’re Probably Not Asking Enough Questions About U.S. Military Action Against ISIS

September 11, 2014

Huffington Post Andrew Bacevich, College of Arts & Sciences President Barack Obama is set to lay out in a speech tonight his “game plan” for an expanded assault on the Islamic State, the militant group also known as ISIS or ISIL… View full article referencing Andrew Bacevich

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Is the U.S. Military Ready for Another Mid-East Conflict?

September 10, 2014

The Takeaway Andrew Bacevich, College of Arts & Sciences Tonight, President Obama will outline his plans to attack the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, the terrorist offshoot of Al-Qaeda now thriving on the border of Iraq and Syria… Listen to audio of expert Andrew Bacevich

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