Andrew Dodd

Principal Consultant at Euromoney Learning


  • Euromoney Learning



Euromoney Learning

Andrew’s background in banking and credit includes significant roles with Fuji Bank in a special corporate lending unit, leading to his next role as Regional Asia Pacific Director of UK-based consulting firms DC Gardner and BPP. He was then VP of Asia Pacific for Moody’s KMV, a position he held for over eight years, before taking on roles with IT based equity firms in Australia for five years until moving to Hong Kong where he worked with Australian-based banking systems consulting firm Credit BASELine developing beta sites in Asia, and also undertook Credit Training projects mainly focusing on Basel II & III, and various credit Consulting Projects in Asia and EMEA. After four years in Hong Kong Andrew founded a new company, CBL Asia specialising in training and consulting in the financial markets, and returned to Australia.

Andrew has extensive experience in credit training consulting using leading-edge credit management tools and technology, with an exceptional knowledge and experience of the Asia Pacific region.

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