Ann Celi
Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School
Harvard Medical School
Dr. Ann Celi cares for women after hypertensive pregnancy in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Cardiometabolic Clinic in Maternal Fetal Medicine, a postpartum transition clinic that cares for and manages patients during the immediate postpartum period and transitions them to primary care. It opened its doors in October of 2011 and has cared for over 600 women creating new quality improvement efforts and an extensive educational outreach to interdisciplinary faculty and staff as well as trainees, medical students and nurses. Educated at Wellesley College, Harvard Medical School, and Harvard School of Public Health, she trained at Massachusetts General Hospital and Children’s Hospital in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics.
Often in collaboration with the Preeclampsia foundation, Dr. Celi has been actively engaged in education of patients and the general public through development of patient education materials and appearances on newspaper, radio, magazine, and social media appearances.
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