Anna Dimitrova

Associate professor, International Studies at Management School ESSCA


  • Management School ESSCA




Management School ESSCA

As part of her research at ESSCA’s EU-Asia Institute, Anna Dimitrova aims to establish links between Political Science and Management Science by focusing on the impact of geopolitical risks on companies operating internationally and the various factors that determine a country’s attractiveness, particularly in emerging countries, for direct investment abroad (FDI).

She is also interested in American foreign policy and transatlantic relations from an economic, political and security perspective. Author of several academic articles published in specialized journals (Sécurité et stratégie, L’Europe en formation) and journals classified in Sciences de gestion (Journal of Common Market Studies – JCMS, Management Decision), she is also co-author of two books La Géopolitique en 1000 QCM (Ellipses, 2011) and Introduction aux Relations internationales (Ellipses, 2014).

As part of her teaching activity, she is interested in the relationship between geopolitics and international affairs and, in particular, in the analysis of country risk. In this capacity, she teaches several courses at ESSCA, including a lecture course in International Trade and Export Diagnosis for all third-year students.

It is also a member of several international organizations specializing in research and teaching, including the Academy of International Business (AIB) and the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES), and regularly participates in academic conferences (AIB, ATLAS, UACES, ECPR). She is also an elected member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for European Training (CIFE). Finally, she is also an evaluator for the academic journals JCMS, Management Decision and Journal of Politics and Law.

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