Anne Welle Strand

Professor - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at BI Norwegian Business School


  • BI Norwegian Business School



BI Norwegian Business School

Anne Welle-Strand is Professor in the Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at BI Norwegian Business School. She holds a PhD degree from the University of Stockholm (1996) and an Advanced Degree in Education from the University of Oslo (1993).

Since 2007 Welle-Strand holds an endowed professorship in Development Studies and Microfinance and was Director of the former Center for Development Studies and Microfinance (MICRO) at BI. Previous positions include research positions at the University of Oslo and visiting scholarships at Stanford University, Xiamen University, Hong Kong University, Western Cape University, and Zimbabwe University. She was also an educational advisor for the UNESCO/NORAD on behalf of the Norwegian National Commission.

Research areas

  • Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction
  • Evaluation
  • Project Management
  • Education and Development, Education Management, Educational Leadership, School Management;
  • Comparative and International Education, Higher Education, Education Policies

Teaching areas

  • Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction
  • Education Management
  • Project Management.


  • 1996 Stockholm University Ph.D.
  • 1993 University of Oslo Master Cand. Polit.


  • 2007 - Present Centre for Development Studies and Microfinance (MICRO) Director
  • 2004 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Professor
  • 2002 - Present Centre for Education Management research (CEM) Director
  • 1998 - 2004 BI Norwegian School of Management Associate Professor
  • 1997 - 1998 University of Oslo Researcher
  • 1993 - 1994 UNESCO Consultant


Welle-Strand, Anne; Saljø, Roger; Christensen, Kirsti Koch; Langset, Anders Kvernmo. 

Evaluering av system for kvalitetssikring av utdanningen ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus. : NOKUT 2014 36 p. BI UIA UiB

Welle-Strand, Anne; Svedberg, Gunnar; Schmidt-Sørensen, Jan Beyer; Wood, Geoffrey; Bang-Jensen, Sidsel Gro. 

Copenhagen Business School - Institutional Accrediation. Copenhagen: The Danish Accreditation Institution 2014 71 p. BI

Salvesen, Helge; Haraldseid, Gunn; Rovio-Johanson, Airi; Welle-Strand, Anne; Aasprong, Marius Lervåg. 

Evaluering av system for kvalitetssikring av utdanningen ved Universitetet i Agder Rapport fra sakkyndig komité. : HSH 2011 BI HSH NTNU UiT

Salvesen, Helge; Haraldseid, Gunn; Rovio-Johansson, Airi; Welle-Strand, Anne; Aasprong, Marius Lervåg. 

NOKUTs tilsynsrapporter: Evaluering av system for kvalitetssikring av utdanning ved Universitetet i Agder. : NOKUT Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen 2011 20 p. BI HSH NTNU UiT

Welle-Strand, Anne; Dehli, Pernille; Kimmestad, Erik; Torp, Christen. 

Private actors in the aid landscape - Mapping an Emerging Segment in Norwegian Development Aid. : Handelshøyskolen BI 2009 67 p. BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Toje, Asle. 

"Creating Value(s)? Norwegian Hydropower and Aquaculture in Chile. : Handelshøyskolen BI 2009 51 p. BI UiO

Tjeldvoll, A.; Nagy, Peter; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Balkan Higher Education: Challenged to Change.. : BI Norwegian School of Management, CEM Centre for Education Management Research 2006 BI

Tjeldvoll, Arild; Welle-Strand, Anne; Cuckovic, B.. 

Higher Education in the Balkans. Approaching Bologna and the Service University. Studies in Education Management Research, nr 10. : Norwegian School of Management, CEM Centre for Education Management Research 2005 BI

Tjeldvoll, Arild; Welle-Strand, Anne; Cuckovic, B.. 

One Bosnia-Herzegovina Higher Education System - Mission Impossible? Four case studies from the BOSHMAN Project.. : BI Norwegian School of Management, Centre for Education Management Research (CEM) 2005 BI

Tjeldvoll, Arild; Welle-Strand, Anne; Stretton, Jenny. 

Xiamen International School: Ambition excellence. A HEAD Project Pilot Study.. : BI Norwegian School of Management 2005 BI

Wales, Christopher; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

School Management Training. Country Report: Norway. HEAD Country Report 2005. : BI Norwegian School of Management 2005 BI

Thune, Taran; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Worldwide Virtual Ed.? An empirical study of ICT for and in internationalization processes in a business school. Sandvika: Handelshøyskolen BI 2003 (4) BI

Thune, Taran; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Worldwide Virtual Ed? An empirical study of ICTs for and in internationalization processes at a business school.. : BI Norwegian School of Management 2003 Forskningsrapport, BI(4) BI

Tjeldvoll, Arild; Welle-Strand, Anne; Bento, F.. 

Overview of Institutions and Programmes. School Manager Training in Finland, France, United Kingdom and The United States. Studies in Education Management Research, Vol. 3. : BI Norwegian School of Management 2003 BI

Tjeldvoll, Arild; Welle-Strand, Anne; Wales, Christopher. 

Annotated bibliography: School Manager Training in Finland, France, United Kingdom and The United States. Studies in Education Management Research, Vol. 2. : BI Norwegian School of Management 2003 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Paulsen, Jan Merok; Kobbenes, Haakon. 

Skoleledelse i Norge: En kartlegging av forskning og utdanning i perioden 1998-2003. Studies in Education Management Research, Vol. 4. : Handelshøyskolen BI 2003 BI UiO

Tjeldvoll, Arild; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Globalisation and service university research in Africa. : Addis Ababa University Institute of Educational Research. 2002 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Tjeldvoll, Arild. 

ICT, Learning & Value Creation - Strategies Missing?. Sandvika: Handelshøyskolen BI 2002 (6) BI

Thune, Taran; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Infrastruktur for læring. Bibliotek og læringsressurssentre i høyere utdanning. Sandvika: Handelshøyskolen BI 2000 76 p. Forskningsrapport, BI(19) BI


Welle-Strand, Anne; Vlaicu, Monica. 

Business and State Balancing International Development Agendas - The Case of Norwegian CSR. Journal of Politics and Law 2013 ;Volume 6.(3) p. 103-117 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Vlaicu, Monica; Tjeldvoll, Arild. 

Vietnam - A New Economic Dragon in Southeast Asia?. Journal of Developing Societies 2013 ;Volume 29.(2) p. 155-187 BI UiO

Welle-Strand, Anne; Ball, Graeme; Hval, Mariann Viksaas; Vlaicu, Monica. 

Electrifying solutions: Can power sector aid boost economic growth and development?. Energy for Sustainable Development 2012 ;Volume 16.(1) p. 26-34 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Chen, Pei-Fen; Ball, Graeme. 

The Taiwanese Economic "Miracle": Continuing?. East Asia 2011 ;Volume 28. p. 329-350 BI

Kjøllesdal, Kristian; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Foreign Aid Strategies: China Taking Over?. Asian Social Science 2010 ;Volume 6.(10) p. 3-13 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Kjøllesdal, Kristian; Sitter, Nick. 

Assessing Microfinance: The Bosnia and Herzegovina Case. Managing Global Transitions 2010 ;Volume 8.(2) p. 145-166 BI

Tjeldvoll, Arild; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

A Report on the HEAD-Ache in Norway. European Education : Issues and Studies 2009 ;Volume 41.(3) p. 60-73 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Molden, Lars. 

Mikrofinans med makroutfordringer. Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse 2007 ;Volume 10.(4) p. 30-35 BI

Tiplic, Dijana; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Bosnia-Herzegovina's Higher Education System: Issues of Governance and Quality. European Education : Issues and Studies 2006 ;Volume 38.(1) p. 16-30 BI

Bento, Fabio; Welle-Strand, Anne; Tjeldvoll, Arild. 

The complex relations between university, society and state: The Ethiopian Predicament in Establishing a Service University.. Journal of Higher Education in Africa 2005 ;Volume 3.(1) p. 51-75 BI HIOA

Thune, Taran; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

ICT for and in internationalization processes: A business school case study. Higher Education 2005 ;Volume 50. p. 593-611 BI

Tjeldvoll, Arild; Wales, Christopher; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

School Leadership Training under Globalisation: Comparisons of the UK, the US and Norway. Managing Global Transitions 2005 ;Volume 3.(1) p. 23-50 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Tjeldvoll, Arild; Bento, F.. 

The Complex Relations between University, Society and State: The Ethiopian Predicament in Establishing a Service Unviersity. Journal of Higher Education in Africa 2005 ;Volume 3.(1) BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Norwegian Development Aid to Education. How is Evaluation Used to Improve?. ? 2003 ;Volume 16.(11) p. 72-84 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Thune, Taran. 

E-learning policies, practices and challenges in two Norwegian organizations. Evaluation and Program Planning 2003 ;Volume 26. p. 185-192 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Tjeldvoll, Arild. 

Creativity, Curricula and Paradigms. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2003 ;Volume 47. p. 359-372 BI

Thune, Taran; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Reorganising resources for independent learning. The New Review of Libraries and Lifelong Learning 2002 ;Volume 2. p. 135-151 BI

Thune, Taran; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

The Ambiguous Quality Agenda in Norwegian Higher Education Policies. ? 2002 ;Volume 34.(2) p. 74-92 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Continuing Higher Education in the Service University. ? 2002 ;Volume 34.(1) p. 70-87 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Tjeldvoll, Arild. 

The Norwegian unified school – A paradise lost. ? 2002 ;Volume 17.(6) BI

Thune, Taran; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Reorganising resources for independent learning: libraries becoming Learning Resource Centres. The New Review of Libraries and Lifelong Learning 2001 ;Volume 2. BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Knowledge Production, Service and Quality. Higher Education Tensions in Norway. Quality in Higher Education 2000 ;Volume 6.(3) BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Utdanningsledelse i en e-læringstid. ? 2000 (5) BI


Welle-Strand, Anne; Tjeldvoll, Arild. 

School Management Training in the Education Value Chain: Framework for a comparison of school leader training in five countries. I: We.liu Lin, Profesionalization of the Principalship: International and Taiwanese perspectives. Taiwan: Psycological Publishing Company 2006 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Tjeldvoll, Arild. 

School Management Training in the Education Value Chain: framework for a comparison of school leader training in five countries. I: Wen-liu Lin (ed), Professionalization of the Principalship: International and Taiwanese perspectives. Taiwan: Psychological Publishing Company 2005 BI

Hatteland, Carl Johan; Hodzic, D.; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Re-embedding interfaces between industry and university in Bosnia-Herzegovina. I: University Development and Globalisation. Academic Report Series Department of Teacher Education, NTNU. Trondheim: Program for lærerutdanning NTNU 2004 ISBN 82-7923-030-0. BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

The Power of Ignorance. Norwegian Development Aid to Education. I: Education Policy and the Global Social Order. : The Centre for Interdisciplinary Learning, Aalborg University. 2003 BI

Gottschalk, Petter; Solli-Sæther, Hans; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Integration between business planning and information systems planning : an analysis of the role of IS/IT in three different configurations. I: Læring gjennom økonomi, system og prosjekt : festskrift til Erling S.Andersen. Oslo: NKI publishing 2001 p. 122-138 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Gottschalk, Petter. 

Service and quality of higher education in Norway. I: Læring gjennom økonomi, system og prosjekt : festskrift til Erling S.Andersen/ Welle-Strand, A. og Gottschalk, P. (red). Oslo: NKI- forlaget 2001 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Tjeldvoll, Arild; Thune, Taran. 

Current main issues of Norwegian Education Debate. I: Issues and Problems of Contemporary European Education/E. Beauchamp (ed.). : 2001 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Evaluation as Organizational Learning in Norwegian Development Aid. I: Kunne ikke finne tidsskrift Olsen, M. Oslo: Instiute for Educational Research, University of Oslo 2000 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

The Quality of Knowledge Production in Higher Education -The Norwegian Scene. I: Higher Education at the Crossroads – Tradition or Transformation. Stockholm: Stockholm University, Institute of International Education. 1999 BI


Hatteland, Carl Johan; Hodžic, D.; Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Re-embedding interfaces between industry and university: From ‘head to head’ to ‘finger to finger’ - Framing the state and transition of technical and organisational interfaces between a BiH welding research unit and its users. UNIQUAL conference; 2003-10-02 - 2003-10-04 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Education and political instability. Zimbabwe at the turn of the Century. conference of Nordic Network of International and Comparative Education (NICE); 2001 BI


Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Bistandens blå kameler og hvite elefanter. NRK Ytring 2014 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Bistanden frykter fakta. Bistandsaktuelt 2013 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Den gode viljen. NRK [TV] 2013-02-05 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Den gode viljen. 5:5. NRK [TV] 2013-09-19 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Egeninteresser ødelegger bistanden. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2013 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Gjør mer skade enn gavn. Bistandsaktuelt 2013 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Foreldres utdanning enda viktigere. Finansavisen 2012 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Kritiske rapporter om bistand lite lest. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2011 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Fattige sliter etter mikrolån. Dagsavisen 2010 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Ikke alene om å være blåøyd. K7-Bulletin 2010 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Kineserne kommer. Ukeavisen ledelse 2010 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Mikrofinans - i gang med investeringene. Finansavisen 2010 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Norad-direktør om at bistanden ikke ønsker resultater: - En fornærmelse. Klassekampen 2010 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Solheim: Pengene kommer frem. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2010 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Gigantvekst for mikrofinans. Mandag Morgen 2009 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Investorene trekker sørover. Finansavisen 2009 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Toje, Asle. 

Kan vi vente 30 år på Norad?. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2009 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Toje, Asle. 

Mugabes rike onkel. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2009 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Business i en korrupt verden. ComputerWorld Norge 2008 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Dårlig ledelse i norsk bistand. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2008 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Forskning må vise vei. Ukeavisen ledelse 2008 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Ikke bekymret. Finansavisen 2008 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

U-hjelp rett ut av vinduet. e24 (internett) 2008 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Toje, Asle. 

Synsing som forskning. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2008 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

BI bygger kompetanse på om næringsliv og bistand. BI Magasinet 2007 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Business er god bistand. 2007 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Grameenphone vinner med «norsk» lederstil. Mandag Morgen 2007 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

MICRO i Uganda. BI Magasinet 2007 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Norsk bistand - endelig på alvor?. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2007 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Ringen er sluttet. Ukeavisen ledelse 2007 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Telenors uhjelp i Bangladesh. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2007 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Molden, Lars. 

Ikke løsning alene. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2007 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

BI og bistand. 2006 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Blåruss og bistand. 2006 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne; Molden, Lars. 

Fredsprisen krever ny kompetanse. Bistandsaktuelt 2006 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Zimbabwes politiske ulykke og norsk bistand. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2000 BI


Welle-Strand, Anne; Gottschalk, Petter. 

Læring gjennom økonomi, system og prosjekt : festskrift til Erling S.Andersen Project Management and Information Technology. Oslo: NKI publishing 2001 BI


Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Fra bistand til næringspolitikk. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2013 BI

Welle-Strand, Anne. 

Sterk start for MICRO. BI Magasinet 2007 BI

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