Ari Yezegel

Associate Professor of Accounting at Bentley University


  • Bentley University



Bentley University

Ari Yezegel's research focuses on financial accounting and financial analysts. His research appeared in top journals such as Journal of Accounting and Economics, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Banking and Finance, Financial Analysts Journal and Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance. In addition, Professor Yezegel presented his work at numerous domestic and international conferences and served as referee for various academic journals. Professor Yezegel currently teaches intermediate accounting and the Ph.D. seminar in Financial Accounting.


  • Ph.D. Rutgers University
  • MS Bilgi University
  • BA Koc University

Teaching Interests

Financial Accounting

Research Interests

Financial Accounting; Financial Analysts

Awards and Honors

  • 2019, Investment Analysts Journal Prize Winner, Investment Analysts Society of South Africa
  • 2009, CIMIC Research Award for Ph.D. in Management Student
  • 2007, American Accounting Association Deloitte J. Michael Cook Doctoral Consortium Fellow


Journal Articles

  • Palmon, D., Peng, X., Yezegel, A. (2024). Earnings Guidance Stoppage and the Value of Financial Analysts’ Research. Contemporary Accounting Research. Forthcoming.
  • Yezegel, A. (2023). The value of eliciting information: Evidence from sell-side analysts. The Accounting Review, (98) 3 459–486.
  • Jang, I., Kang, N., Yezegel, A. (2022). Common ownership, price informativeness, and corporate investment. Journal of Banking and Finance, (135) February (Link) Forthcoming.
  • Patatoukas, P. N., Yezegel, A., Zeng, J. (2021). On the Origins of Forecast Walk-Downs: A Macro-to-Micro Perspective. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance.
  • Hoitash, R., Hoitash, ., Yezegel, A. (2021). Can sell-side analysts’ experience, expertise and qualifications help mitigate the adverse effects of accounting reporting complexity? . Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, (57) 859–897.
  • Marks, J. M., Yezegel, A. (2018). Do aggregate analyst recommendations predict market returns in international markets?. International Review of Financial Analysis, (59) October 234-254.
  • Palmon, D., Lee, C., Yezegel, A. (2018). The Corporate Social Responsibility Information Environment: Examining the Value of Financial Analysts’ Recommendations. Journal of Business Ethics, (150) 1 279-301.
  • Read, W. J., Yezegel, A. (2018). Going-Concern Opinion Decisions on Bankrupt Clients: Evidence of Long-Lasting Auditor Conservatism?. Advances in Accounting, (40) March 20-26.
  • Palmon, D., Son, D. H., Yezegel, A. (2018). The persistence of firm-specific post-earnings announcement returns. Investment Analysts Journal, (47) 1
  • Read, W. J., Yezegel, A. (2016). Auditor Tenure and Going Concern Opinions for Bankrupt Clients: Additional Evidence. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, (35) 1 163-179.
  • Kang, P., Palmon, D., Yezegel, A. (2015). Does News Play an Important Role in the Correction Process of the Accruals Anomaly?. Accounting and Finance, (55) 2 497-518.
  • Yezegel, A. (2015). Why do analysts revise their stock recommendations after earnings announcements?. Journal of Accounting and Economics, (59) 2-3 163-181.
  • Baxter, R. J., Bedard, J. C., Hoitash, R., Yezegel, A. (2013). Enterprise Risk Management Program Quality: Determinants, Value Relevance, and the Financial Crisis. Contemporary Accounting Research, (30) 4 1264-1295.
  • Palmon, D., Yezegel, A. (2012). R&D Intensity and the Value of Analysts’ Recommendations. Contemporary Accounting Research, (29) 2 621-654.
  • Erdogan, O., Palmon, D., Yezegel, A. (2011). Performance of Analyst Recommendations in the Istanbul Stock Exchange. International Review of Applied Financial Issues and Economics, (3) 3 491-503.
  • Palmon, D., Yezegel, A. (2011). Analysts’ Recommendation Revisions and Subsequent Earnings Surprises: Pre- and Post-Regulation FD. Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, (26) 3 475-501.
  • Palmon, D., Peytcheva, M., Yezegel, A. (2011). The Accounting Standards Setting Process in the U.S.: Examination of the SEC-FASB Relationship. Group Decision and Negotiation, (20) 2 165-183.
  • Yildiz, B., Yezegel, A. (2010). Fundamental Analysis with Artificial Neural Network. International Journal of Business and Finance Research, (4) 1 149-158.
  • Cortijo, V., Palmon, D., Yezegel, A. (2009). Changing Business Environment and the Value Relevance of Accounting. Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting, (7) 49-70.
  • Chandar, N., Patro, D. K., Yezegel, A. (2009). Crises, Contagion and Cross-Listings. Journal of Banking and Finance, (33) 9 1709-1729.
  • Erdogan, O., Yezegel, A. (2009). The News of No News in Stock Markets. Quantitative Finance, (9) 8 897-909.
  • Palmon, D., Sudit, E. F., Yezegel, A. (2009). The Value of Columnists' Stock Recommendations: an Event Study Approach. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, (33) 3 209-232.
  • Cortijo, V., Yezegel, A. (2008). Contagion Effect of Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Evidence from Spain. International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, (5) 2 140-152.
  • Palmon, D., Sudit, E. F., Yezegel, A. (2008). The Accrual Anomaly and Company Size. Financial Analysts Journal, (64) 5 47-60.

Book Chapters

  • Cortijo, V., Yezegel, A. (2010). Financial Accounting In Hossein Bidgoli, (Eds.) Handbook of Technology Managment. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc

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