Arisa Shollo

Associate professor at CBS Executive


  • CBS Executive




CBS Executive


Arisa Shollo is an associate professor at the department of Digitalization. Before joining academia she has worked as IT business and project portfolio analyst in the industry. This experience inspired her Industrial PhD project and studies - a collaboration between Danske Bank and CBS. In her research she uses organizational, behavioural and cognitive concepts in order to better understand how organizations and decision makers use technologies, data and information in decision making processes. She has published her work in international journals such as Journal of Strategic Information Systems and Information Systems Journal and presented her work at a number of major international conferences, including Academy of Management, EGOS, NFMOC, ICIS and ECIS, IPDMC. 

Primary research areas

  • The role of Data and Information in Organizational Decision Making
  • Digitalization and Power Dynamics 
  • Decision Support Systems, BI, Big Data and AI



  • Decision Making for Strategy Execution , CM, CBS
  • A Digital Battle field: How to Compete Against the Internet Giants CM IT, CBS
  • Information Economics and Business, CM IT, CBS


  • Data driven decision making /Evidence based management
  • BI, BA and Big Data in strategic management and innovation processes
  • IT Project portfolio management and IT governance
  • Information and Knowledge Management

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