Arno Lodder

Visiting Professor Universida Nova de Lisboa at Nova School of Law/ Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


Personal information * Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation, Department Transnational Legal Studies, Center for Law and Internet Internet law in a nutshell * Internet Law: A Brief Introduction (2018) * Ten Commandments of Internet Law Revisited: Basic Principles for Internet Lawyers (2013)
* in Dutch: 2017, Over de grenzen van het internet II 48 nieuwe verhalen over recht en onrecht op Facebook, YouTube, Marktplaats, Twitter, The Pirate Bay en andere plekken & 2014, Over de grenzen van het internet 45 verhalen over recht en onrecht op Facebook, Youtube, Marktplaats, Twitter, Pirate Bay en andere plekken
Research Arno R. Lodder is a professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Department Transnational Legal Studies, Centre for Law and Internet). In his research and lecturing he focuses on topics related to law and internet, such as liability, contracting, security, privacy, freedom of speech, cybercrime; and phenomena related to big data, social media, cyberwar, internet of things, smart devices and apps.

He has published over 30 (co-)edited and (co-)authored books, such as DiaLaw on Legal Justification and Dialogical Models of Argumentation (1999), e-Directives, Guide To European Union Law On E-commerce (2002), Information Technology and Lawyers. Advanced Technology in the Legal Domain (2006), Enhanced Dispute Resolution Through the Use of Information Technology (2010), Cyberlaw in the Netherlands (2016), and EU Regulation of E-commerce (2017).

Teaching He is involved in the Dutch legal master Internet, IP and ICT (2011-), the English Bachelor Minor Technology, Law, and Ethics (2017-), and the English legal master International Technology Law (2018-). His internet law group offers about 15 courses in Dutch/English on legal (and ethical) aspects of i.a. blockchain (master course as of 2018/19), robots and artificial intelligence (bachelor course as of 2017/18, master 2018/19), e-commerce, data protection, copyright, and cybercrime. As supervisor he was involved with over 100 master theses.

  • Bachelor: Governance and Regulation of Emerging Technologies, Internet Governance, Robot Law and AI, Data analytics and Privacy
  • Master: Actualiteiten internetrecht, E-commerce Law, Blockchain and other disruptive business-tech challenges to the law, Law and Ethics of Robots and AI, Privacy en security, Cybercrime
  • Postinitieel: GDPR, Elektronisch contracteren, Internetrecht

Ancillary activities * International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution | The Hague | redactie | 2017-08-01 - present * SURF | Utrecht | Lid Wetenschappelijke Technische Raad | 2020-07-01 - present * Nova University Lisbon | Lissabon | gasthoogleraar | 2020-09-01 - present


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