Arul Chib

Professor of Technology and Development at Erasmus University Rotterdam


Arul Chib is Professor of Technology and Development at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He investigates emergent information and communication technologies as transformational tools in resource-constrained environments, with an emphasis on the socio-structural contexts of power within which social change occurs. His present research examines the agency, appropriation and innovative use of digital technologies by marginalized communities

Programmatically, Dr. Chib studies two broad domains, namely healthcare settings of developing countries and the context of transnational migration. His research, mentorship and teaching have contributed to the growth of the ICTD field in the Global South, and been recognized, amongst others by the 2011 Scopus Award in Sustainable Development, accompanied by a Humboldt fellowship.

Since 2020, Professor Chib is the CoEditor of the Gender, Technology, and Development journal, and serves on the editorial boards of Human Communication Research, Communication Yearbook, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, and Mobile Media and Communication. He is a member of the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access committee of the International Communication Association.

He has lived and worked in India, Germany, the Netherlands, Peru, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, and the United States of America.

Awards and Scholarships

2019 Visiting Professor, University of Cape Town, South Africa

2016 Best Paper Award, EU-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation, Hanoi

2016 Plenary panel, International Communication Association mobiles pre-conference, Japan

2015 Top Paper Award, International Communication Association Conference, Puerto Rico

2012-13 Visiting Professor, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München

2011 Prosper.NET Young Scholar Award for Sustainable Development, United Nations University

2011 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, German Ministry of Education and Research

2008 Top Faculty Paper Award, International Communication Association Conference, Canada

2005-06 Research Fellow, Singapore Internet Research Center, Nanyang Technological University

2005 Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, University of Southern California

2005 Visiting Scholar, Instituto de Estudio Peruano, Peru

2005 Visiting Scholar, Instituto Peruano de Paternidad Responsible, Peru

2004 Top 3 Paper Award, Telecommunications Policy and Research Conference, Virginia

2002-06 Graduate School Scholarship, University of Southern California

2002 Annenberg Fellowship, University of Southern California

2000 Best Graduate Student Award, Syracuse University

1999 Graduate School Scholarship, Syracuse University


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