Ben Carpenter

Operations Manager at eCornell


  • eCornell




Ontario Finger Lakes Beekeepers Association

Ben is a third generation beekeeper and currently owns two beekeeping supply companies with his wife Kimberly; their farm business Hungry Bear Farms and their manufacturing business Ross Rounds. Ben’s primary function is managing their businesses, coordinating logistics and heading up the commercial sales division of Hungry Bear Farms. He is the current Director at Large for New York State’s beekeeping association and helps with marketing and technical resources. He is the current president of his local beekeeping association in Canandaigua New York and the Ontario Finger Lakes Beekeepers Association, where he coordinates their meetings & brings in speakers from all over the country. He also teaches beginner beekeeping classes for their farm with Kimberly, as well as at their local club. Ben also helps Kimberly with their migratory beekeeping operation in Florida with managing trucking and logistics. Ben is a co-coordinator for the Geneva Bee Conference, helping bring beekeeping education and speakers to a wider audience in NY State. He enjoys escaping into the beeyard when he gets a free moment.

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