Benjamin Büttner

Head of Research Group "Accessibility Planning" at TUM School of Management


  • TUM School of Management



TUM School of Management

Focus Areas

Benjamin Büttner has worked at the Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning since July 2010. He received his PhD in engineering after having completed a German Diploma in geography. He currently works in the fields of accessibility planning and decision and policy making. Urban and transport planning, as well as governance, are the foci of his professional skills. He led multiple research projects ranging from regional to European level. He is an active reviewer for multiple high profile research journals, a regular participant in governance discussions (INZELL initiative, EMM) within the region of Munich, and he contributed to the COST Action TU 1002 on Accessibility Instruments for Planning Practice. Currently Benjamin Büttner is heading a research group on accessibility planning and has been designated co-chair of the NECTAR Accessibility cluster since 2018. Additionally, since 2019 he is coordinator of the EIT Urban Mobility “Doctoral Training Network”.


  • Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
    Diploma, Geography
  • Technical University of Munich
    Dr.-Ing. - Doctor of Engineering (PhD), Ingenieurwissenschaften


Kinigadner, J., Büttner, B., Wulfhorst, G., & Vale, D. (2020). Planning for low carbon mobility: Impacts of transport interventions and location on carbon-based accessibility. In: Journal of Transport Geography, July 2020.

Kinigadner, J., Büttner, B.; Wulfhorst, G.: Beer versus bits: CO2-based accessibility analysis of firms‘ location choices and implications for low carbon workplace development. In: Applied Mobilities, February 2019.

Büttner, B.; Kinigadner, J.; Ji., C.; Wright, B.; Wulfhorst, G.: The TUM Accessibility Atlas: Visualizing Spatial and Socioeconomic Disparities in Accessibility to Support Regional Land-Use and Transport Planning. In: Networks and Spatial Economics, January 2018, Pages 1-30.

Büttner, B.: Consequences of Sharp Increases in Mobility Costs on Accessibility. Suggestions for Individual and Public Development Strategies. München te Brömmelstroet, M.; Nicolaisen, M.; Büttner, B.; Ferreira, A.: Experiences with transportation models: An international survey of planning practices. In: Transport Policy, Volume 58, August 2017, Pages 10-18.

Wulfhorst, G.; Büttner, B.; Ji, C.: The TUM Accessibility Atlas as a tool for supporting policies of sustainable mobility in metropolitan regions. In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

Büttner, B. and Wulfhorst, G.: The TUM Accessibility Atlas as a tool for fostering decision making processes on sustainable mobility in the metropolitan region of Munich. 14th WCTR 2016, Proceedings. Shanghai.

Büttner, B.: Sharp increases in mobility costs: A trigger for sustainable mobility. In Wulfhorst, G., Klug, S. (eds.), Sustainable Mobility in Metropolitan Regions – Insights from interdisciplinary research for practice application. Springer.

Büttner, B., Wulfhorst, G. and Evans J.: Ensuring accessibility to daily activities for different population segments with respect to sharp increases in mobility costs. In Geurs, K., Patuelli, R. and Dentinho, T. (eds.), Accessibility, Equity and Efficiency. Challenges for Transport and Public Services. Edward Elgar.

Büttner, B.: Consequences of Sharp Increases in Mobility Costs on Accessibility: Suggestions for Local and Regional Development Strategies. NECTAR 2015 Conference, Proceedings, Ann Arbor

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