Bertrand Collignon

Associate Professor in Sustainable Development & Deputy Director of the Sustainable Development Initiative at Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management


  • Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management




Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management


  • Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management - Deputy Director of the Sustainable Development Initiative Oct 2022 -
  • Solvay Lifelong Learning | Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management
    • Academic Director Oct 2022 -
    • Adjunct Professor Jan 2022 -
  • Université libre de Bruxelles - Maître de conférences Sep 2020 -
  • F.R.S. - FNRS - Chargé de recherches Sep 2018 - Sep 2021
  • EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) - Marie Curie Fellow Sep 2016 - Aug 2018
  • Université Denis Diderot (Paris VII) - Post-doctoral researcher, Board member of the laboratory council Feb 2013 - Aug 2016


  • Université libre de Bruxelles - PhD, Sciences 2007 - 2012
  • Université libre de Bruxelles - Research training certificate, Sciences 2007 - 2010
  • Université libre de Bruxelles - Master's degree, Biology 2003 - 2007

Grants & Awards

  • 2017: Grant from the FNRS (Postdoctoral Researcher – CR).
  • 2016: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions fellowship (Individual European Fellowship).
  • 2012: Grant from the David and Alice Van Buuren Foundation (PhD Thesis Funding).
  • 2007: Grant from the Fund for the Research in Industry and Agronomy (PhD Thesis Funding).
  • 2007: Paul Brien Award for the best Master Thesis.

Journal Articles

Lehue, M., Detrain, C. & Collignon, B. (2020) Nest entrances, spatial fidelity, and foraging patterns in the Red Ant Myrmica rubra: a field and theoretical study. Insects, 11, 317.

Lehue, M., Collignon, B. & Detrain, C. (2020) Multiple nest entrances alter foraging and information transfer in ants. Royal Society Open Science, 7:191330.

Papaspyros, V., Bonnet, F., Collignon, B. & Mondada, F. (2019) Bidirectional interactions facilitate the integration of a robot into a shoal of zebrafish Danio rerio. PLoS ONE, 14:(8):e0220559.

Collignon, B., Séguret, A., Chemtob, Y., Cazenille, L. & Halloy, J. (2019) Collective departures and leadership in zebrafish. PLoS ONE, 14(5):e0216798.

Séguret, A., Collignon, B., Cazenille, L., Chemtob, Y., and Halloy, J. (2019) Loose social organization of AB strain zebrafish groups in a two-patch environment. PLoS ONE, 14(2):e0206193.

Cazenille, L., Collignon, B., Chemtob, Y., Bonnet, F., Gribovskiy, A., Mondada, F., Bredeche, N. & Halloy, J. (2018) How mimetic should a robotic fish be to socially integrate into zebrafish groups? Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 13:025001.

Bonnet, F., Cazenille, L., Séguret, A., Collignon, B., Halloy, J. & Mondada, F. (2017) Design of a modular robotic system that mimics small fish locomotion and body movements for ethological studies. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 14:3.

Pita, D., Collignon, B., Halloy, J. & Fernandez-Juricic, E. (2016) Collective behaviour in vertebrates: a sensory perspective. Royal Society Open Science, 3:160377.

Ashraf., I., Godoy-Diana, R., Halloy, J., Collignon, B. & Thiria, B. (2016) Synchronisation and collective swimming pattern in fish Hemigrammus bleheri. J. R. Soc. Interface, 13:20160734.

Séguret, A., Collignon, B. & Halloy, J. (2016) Strains differences in the collective behaviour of zebrafish (Danio rerio) in heterogeneous environments. Royal Society Open Science, 3:160451.

Collignon, B., Séguret, A. & Halloy, J. (2016) A stochastic vision-based model inspired by zebrafish collective behaviour in heterogeneous environments. Royal Society Open Science, 3:150473.

Collignon, B., Cervantes Valdivieso, L.E. & Detrain, C. (2014) Group recruitment in ants: Who is willing to lead? Behavioural Processes, 108, 98-104.

Collignon, B. & Detrain, C. (2014). Accuracy of leadership and control of the audience in the pavement ant Tetramorium caespitum. Animal Behaviour, 92, 159-165.

Collignon, B., Deneubourg, J.L. & Detrain, C. (2012). Leader-based and self-organized communication: modelling group-mass recruitment in ants. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 313, 79-86.

Collignon, B. & Detrain, C. (2010). Distributed leadership and adaptive decision-making in the ant Tetramorium caespitum. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 277, 1267-1273.

Book Chapter

Collignon, B. & Detrain, C. (2020) Self-organization and stigmergy. In: Starr, C.K. (ed), Encyclopaedia of Social Insects, Springer, Cham.

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