Betty Ann McNeil

Adjunct Professor at DePaul University


  • DePaul University



DePaul University

A native of Virginia Beach, Virginia, Sister Betty Ann McNeil belongs to the Daughters of Charity Province of St. Louise. As a clinical social worker for over twenty years, Sister Betty Ann worked in a variety of social ministry roles in institutional, parish, and community based settings serving pregnant and parenting adolescents, abused and neglected children, and Central American refugees.

A member of the Vincentian Studies Institute of the United States since 1988, Sister Betty Ann serves on the Editorial Board of Vincentian Heritage for the Institute, and actively worked with the Advisory Committee for the publication ofthe multi-volume opus Elizabeth Bayley Seton Collected Writings, 3 vols. (New York City Press, 2000-2005).

The author of numerous articles published by The Vincentian Heritage, Vincentiana, Journal of Catholic Education, and The U.S. Catholic Historian, etc., Sister Betty Ann has lectured and conducted workshops, retreats, etc. in North America, Europe, and Asia on the Vincentian and Setonian tradition. Formerly Provincial Archivist for the Daughters of Charity Emmitsburg Province, Sister Betty Ann came to DePaul University, Office of Mission and Values, as a Vincentian Scholar-in-Residence in 2012.

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