Bhaskar Goswami

Radical Transformation Mentor at McGill Executive institute


  • McGill Executive institute




McGill Executive institute

From Assam, India, Bhaskar Goswami [M.Eng. (Hons.)] has been deeply involved with the practice of yoga since the early 90’s. He is a certified teacher of traditional hatha yoga and a specialist in employing the principles of yoga for the modern lifestyle.

Born into the yogic tradition, he comes from the lineage of Vasishtha, who is considered to be one of the founding fathers of this ancient practice. Bhaskar has been trained at the Transcendental Meditation school of Assam in India, on Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka, on traditional yoga by Yogacharya Nandakumar in Kuwait and by Siromani Sriram and the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta in Canada. He has a Masters degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Nottingham in England and a 10 year international engineering career in petroleum, telecom, audio, acoustic and microelectronics industries. This has allowed for a strong understanding of the methods and benefits of mindful living in an urban environment.

In 2007 he founded BODHI (, a company dedicated to offering genuine wellbeing in workplaces. For this, he won the Quebec Entrepreneurship Contest and Accolade for Recognizing Business Excellence, both for ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’. Based in Montreal, BODHI is privileged to offer authentic wellness programs in several prestigious organizations.

In 2015 he founded daana (winner, CBC Media Prize), an organization offering anonymous contribution-based wellness worldwide (

Bhaskar has led several international retreats and presented in prestigious events like COP22 (UN Global Climate Change Summit, Morocco). He lives in Montreal, Canada with life partner and daana co-founder Caroline Goyer, and their three children Jai, Eva and Uma.


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