Burze Yasar

Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration at TED University


Burze Yaşar is a graduate of Üsküdar American Academy. She holds a BS degree in Business Administration in English from Marmara University. During 1998-2001, she worked at Citibank as a Credit and Risk Management Assistant. She received her MBA degree from Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. Her PhD degree is from Bilkent University. She was a visiting scholar at Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan before joining TED University.

Research Areas:

  • Finance

Research Interests:

  • Crowdfunding, social entrepreneurship and finance, sustainability, financial risk preferences


  • PhD Bilkent University
  • Bachelor of Science (BS) Marmara Üniversitesi
  • ODTU Teknokent
  • MBA University of Maryland College Park
  • Uskudar Amerikan Lisesi


  • 2019-2022: Erasmus + Grant. “Incubators 4 Change”, Manager (298,000 EUR)
  • 2018-2020: IPA Grant by the European Commission. “Building a Social Entrepreneurship Network in Turkey”, Researcher (540,000 EUR)
  • 2018 : Project by British Council., “Research for the Social Enterprise Sector in Turkey” Researcher (42,000 GBP)
  • 2017-2018: Research Grant by Denizbank A.S., Coordinator, (6,000 USD)
  • 2016-2017: UK Bilateral Fund Capacity Building Project on Social Innovation & CSOs, Consultant on Social Finance, TED University, Coordinator, (41,640 GBP)
  • 2016-2017: BAP Research Grant, “Mobil Bankacılık Uygulamaları”, TED University, Coordinator, (10,000 USD)
  • 2014-2015: 1002 Research Grant by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, Researcher
  • 2007-2011: Doctoral Scholarship by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey.
  • 2007-2014: Doctoral Scholarship by Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.


  • Yaşar, B., & Güravşar, S. (2021) Covid-19 Krizi Sürecinde Sosyal Girişimlerin Mevcut Durumu Ve Sosyal Girişimleri Destekleyici Politika Önerileri. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (46), 43-62.
  • Yılmaz, I. S., & Yaşar, B. (2021). Crowdfunding as a Financial Tool for Social Enterprises: The Funding Performance of Social and Environmental Projects in Crowdfunding. In Creating Social Value Through Social Entrepreneurship (pp. 135-157). IGI Global.
  • Yaşar, B. (2021). Impact investing: A review of the current state and opportunities for development. Istanbul Business Research, 50(1), 177-196.
  • Yasar, Burze. "The new investment landscape: Equity crowdfunding." Central Bank Review (2021)
  • Yasar, B., Yılmaz, I. S., Hatipoğlu, N., & Salih, A. (2021). Crowdfunding: Stretching the Success. Manuscript to be submitted for review.
  • Yasar, B. & Yılmaz, I. (2021). Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Developing Countries: The Case of Turkey. Manuscript to be submitted for review.
  • Yasar, B., Kiesssling, T., & Martin, T. (2020). An Empirical Test of Signaling Theory. Management Research Review. https://doi.org/DOI (10.1108/MRR-08-2019-0338)
  • Hazir, Ö., Özdamar, N., Yaşar, B., & Yilmaz, I. S. (2020). Practices and Future of Earned Value Management: Insights from Turkey. Journal of Yaşar University, 15(59), 426-443.
  • Yaşar, B., Hekim, H., Hazır, Ö., Bayören, C., & Bozkırlıoğlu, A. Ö. K. (2019). Analysis of Sustainability Policy and Practices of a Turkish Group Company: OYAK Case. In International Dimensions of Sustainable Management (pp. 277-290). Springer, Cham.
  • Kiessling T, Martin TM, Yasar B (2017); “The power of signaling: presidential leadership and rhetoric over 20 years”; Leadership & Organization Development Journal; Jul 3;38(5).
  • Kiessling, T., Isaksson, L., & Yasar, B. (2016). Market orientation and CSR: Performance implications. Journal of Business Ethics, 137(2), 269-284.
  • Yasar, B. Onan, M., & Salih, A. (2014). Impact of macroeconomic announcements on implied volatility slope of SPX options and VIX. Finance Research Letters, 11(4), 454-462.

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