Canan Ulu
Associate Professor at McDonough School of Business
- McDonough School of Business
McDonough School of Business
Canan Ulu studies Bayesian learning in sequential decision problems, multi-criteria decision-making problems and uses behavioral decision theory to improve decision analysis methods. Her work has been published in journals such as Operations Research, Management Science and Psychological Science among others.
Dr. Ulu is an associate professor at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business. Previously, she was an assistant professor in McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. She received her Ph.D. from Duke University, and she holds a B.S. and an M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. She teaches courses in business analytics and decision modelling both in the graduate and undergraduate programs at Georgetown.
Dr. Ulu serves as the department editor for the decision analysis and analytics department at IISE Transactions; she is also an associate editor for the decision analysis area at Operations Research and for Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
- Duke University - Ph.D.
- Middle East Technical University - M.S.
- Middle East Technical University - B.S.
Articles in Journals (9)
- Smith J. E. and C. Ulu. "Risk Aversion, Information Acquisition and Technology Adoption." Operations Research, 65, 4 (2017): 1011-1028.
- Ulu, C. and M. Koksalan. "An interactive approach to multicriteria sorting for quasiconcave value functions." Naval Research Logistics, 61, 6 (2014): 427-488.
- Ulu, C., D. Honhon and A. Alptekinoglu. "Learning consumer tastes through dynamic assortments." Operations Research, 60, 4 (2012): 833-849.
- Smith, J. E. and C. Ulu. "Technology adoption with uncertain future costs and quality." Operations Research, 60, 2 (2012): 262-274.
- Ulu, C. and J. E. Smith. "Uncertainty, information acquisition and technology adoption." Operations Research, 57, 3 (2009): 740-752.
- Clemen, R. T. and C. Ulu. "Interior additivity and subjective probability assessment of continuous variables." Management Science, 54, 4 (2008): 835-851.
- Malkoc, S. A., G. Zauberman and C. Ulu. "Consuming now or later? The interactive effect of timing and attribute alignability." Psychological Science, 16, 5 (2005): 411-417.
- Koksalan, M. and C. Ulu. "An interactive approach for placing alternatives in preference classes." European Journal of Operational Research, 144, 2 (2003): 429-439.
- Ulu, C. and M. Koksalan. "An interactive procedure for selecting acceptable alternatives in the presence of multiple criteria." Naval Research Logistics, 48, 7 (2001): 592-606.
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