Carina Vocisano

Leadership Coach at Academic Impressions / Lecturer in Psychology at Purchase College, SUNY


Carina Vocisano, PhD is a clinical psychologist who teaches in the Psychology Department and the Liberal Studies Department. She teaches abnormal psychology, social/personal relationships, health and human rights, the science of happiness, and artificial intelligence. She has published research on chronic depression and on factors that influence psychotherapy outcome. Dr.Vocisano earned tenure at Southern Connecticut State University and served as Associate Professor in the Psychology Department. She has been on the faculty of several area universities including SUNY/Empire State College, Fordham University and SUNY Stony Brook.

Research Interests

  • Clinical Psychology
  • Mental Health
  • Cyber psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • Health Psychology
  • Psychological Impact of Prejudice
  • Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Mental Health
  • Propaganda and Persuasion
  • Psychology of Social and Popular Media
  • Psychology of Personal and Social Change
  • Psychotherapy Process and Outcome
  • Art Therapy


Vocisano, C., Klein, D. N., Arnow, B., Rivera, C., Blalock, J. A., Rothbaum, B., … Thase, M. E. (2004). Therapist variables that predict symptom change in psychotherapy with chronically depressed outpatients. Psychotherapy, 41(3), 255-265.doi:

Klein, D. N., Schwartz, J. E., Santiago, N. J., Vivian, D., Vocisano, C., Castonguay, L. G., … Keller, M. B. (2003). Therapeutic alliance in depression treatment: Controlling for prior change and patient characteristics. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71(6), 997-1006. doi:

Klein, D.N. & Vocisano, C. (1999). Depressive and masochistic personality disorders. In T. Millon, P.H. Blaney, & R.D. Davis (Eds.), Oxford University Textbook of Psychopathology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Vocisano, C., Klein, D.N., & Keefe, R.S.E. (1997). Lifetime comorbidity, lifetime history of psychosis and suicide attempts, and current symptoms of patients with deteriorated affective disorder. Psychiatry Research, 73, 33-45.

Vocisano, C., Klein, D.N., Keefe, R.S.E., & Kincaid, M.M. (1996). Demographics, family history, premorbid functioning, developmental characteristics and course of patients with deteriorated affective disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry, 153, 248-255.


  • BA, Bennington College
  • MA, PhD, Alliant International University

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