Cédric Cauderlier

CEO - Co-founder at MTV Networks / Lead Strategist at Mountainview / Teacher at Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management


  • Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management




Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management

I am a digital strategy expert graduated from the Harvard Business School. Since 2004, I developed multiple digital projects, and in 2013 I launched the Mountainview Group, an international digital ecosystem, with digital excellence at heart. During these 15 years of experiences, I gave more than 500 presentations, keynotes and course about digital strategy and innovation.

My Topics

As a digital expert, I cover multiple topics related. I help teams, boards & C-level understanding the role of the digital for their companies.

Strategy Based on strong insights and the perfect comprehension of business issues.

Marketing The best touchpoint with the right messages for the perfect target is the perfect recipe.

Innovation Understand the changes in our digital world is key to define a long term vision for his company.

Consulting From coaching to advisory board, digital is a key element in many aspects of the business today.


  • Harvard Business School - Executive Master, Digital and Social Strategy 2015 - 2016

  • Hyper Island - Master Class, Digital Acceleration 2010 - 2011

  • Haute École Albert Jacquard (HEAJ) - 2001 - 2004

Courses Taught

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