Célia Sapart

Lecturer at Vlerick Business School Executive Education


  • Vlerick Business School Executive Education



Vlerick Business School Executive Education

Célia Sapart is a climatologist and polar glaciologist, now Director of Communications and Climate Sciences at CO 2 Value Europe, a European organization that promotes the recycling of CO 2 .

Célia has been passionate about the poles for a long time and had the chance to discover them through numerous field missions in the Arctic and Antarctica. After 13 years of research on the climate and the poles in Belgium, the Netherlands and Alaska, she is now focusing on the solutions to be provided to mitigate climate change, in particular by popularizing and communicating on these subjects to the greater number. Its goal is to raise awareness among young and old about the climate emergency in a positive way and by highlighting the solutions that exist at all levels of our society. For more than 15 years, Célia has been organizing conferences and workshops on the subject in schools and associations, but also with industries and politicians. This project of writing a children's book has been on his mind for a long time. Through this project, she wants to introduce the beauties of the poles to the youngest, but also the harsh reality of what is happening there due to global warming. This was made possible thanks to two prizes she obtained in 2018: the Impulsion Communication Research Credit from the ULB and the CEPULB Prize (Inter-Ages University).

Célia is originally from Switzerland, but she studied environmental sciences, oceanography and climatology in France, at the University of Bordeaux, the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom, as well as in United States, at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Then, she obtained her PhD at the Laboratory of Marine and Atmospheric Research in Utrecht (Netherlands).

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