Charlotte Blattner
Senior Lecturer and Researcher at University of Berne
- Jessup International Law Moot Court: Swiss national champions Universität Basel (2011 — 2012)
- MLaw Universität Basel (2010 — 2012)
- BLaw Universität Basel (2007 — 2010)
- Senior Lecturer and Researcher, Institute of Public Law, University of Berne Universität Bern (2020)
- Visiting Researcher Harvard Law School (2018 — 2020)
- LL.M. Harvard Law School (2018 — 2019)
- Postdoctoral Fellow Queen's University, Department of Philosophy, Prof. Will Kymlicka, D.Phil (2017 — 2018)
- Research Fellow Tier im Recht (2017 — 2017)
- Visting International Scholar Lewis & Clark Law School, Center for Animal Law Studies, Prof. Kathy Hessler, J.D., LL.M. (2016 — 2017)
- PhD in International Law and Animal Law, Doc.CH SNSF funded Doctoral Program "Law and Animals", University of Basel, Prof. Dr. iur. Anne Peters, LL.M. (2013 — 2016)
- Research Fellow Swiss Centre for Expertise in Human Rights, Prof. Dr. iur. Christine Kaufmann (2014 — 2014)
- Legal intern Trial Court Liestal (2013 — 2013)
- Social Media
- Policy
- Projektmanagement
Qualitative Forschung, Vorträge, Rechtsvergleichung, Umweltrecht, Publikationen, rechtliche Recherche, Microsoft Office, Research, Internationale Beziehungen, Englisch, Völkerrecht, Tierrecht, Forschung
Charlotte Blattner - 3R for Farmed Animals
Charlotte Blattner - Effective Altruism in legal scholarship
Charlotte Blattner; Animals, the Forgotten Proletariat
Episode 53: the 3Rs with Charlotte Blattner
Animal Law Conference 2016 - 13 - Animal Law around the Globe 10-09-16
11/18/19 - Charlotte Blattner: "Protecting Animals Within and Across Borders."
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