Chris Riedy

Professor of Sustainability Transformations at University of Technology Sydney


  • University of Technology Sydney



University of Technology Sydney

Chris Riedy is Professor of Sustainability Transformations and Associate Director Learning and Development at the Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney. Chris is a transdisciplinary action researcher with a focus on sustainability transformations. He uses sociological and political theory, narrative theory and futures thinking to design, facilitate and evaluate practical experiments in transformative change towards sustainable futures.

Chris is Co-Chair of the international Transformations Conference 2023, the biennial conference of the Transformations Community. He is also an Advisor to the Transformations Community, a Senior Research Fellow of the Earth System Governance project, and a member of the Sustainability Transitions Research Network and New Economy Network Australia. He is on the Editorial Board of Futures and Action Research, and Editorial Advisory Board of the Global Social Challenges Journal. He has led more than 90 research projects at ISF with a combined value of around $4 million. These projects include an Opportunity Assessment of Australia’s energy foresighting and planning capability for the RACE for 2030 Cooperative Research Centre, identification of megatrends and development of scenarios for the City of Sydney’s Sustainable Sydney 2050 initiative, a comprehensive future-oriented review of Australia’s National GreenPower Program, and pioneering research on collaborative housing as a response to Australian housing challenges.

Chris led ISF’s Graduate Research Program, comprising more than 50 doctoral and masters research students, from 2014 to 2022. He has personally supervised 10 completed doctoral students and one research masters student.

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