Christian Keimel

Lecturer at Technical University Munich



I’m leading research projects at Airbus AI Research with a focus on using machine learning (AI) and Data Science for potential use-cases in the aerospace domain. I’m also a Lecturer for Deep Learning for Multimedia at Technische Universität München (TUM).

My research interests include applications of data-driven models using machine learning for general problems in the aerospace domain and audio-visual content understanding in particular, leveraging my experience in image and video processing. In addition, I dabble(d) into Data Science, QoE for video, crowdsourcing, and interactive TV / SmartTV. But I also enjoy learning new things, both related to my topics and in general, tackling challenging problems.

Working at TUM’s Institute for Data Processing , I received a Dr.-Ing. (PhD) degree in electrical engineering and information technology for my thesis on the application of multi-way (tensor) data analysis/machine learning methods in the context of QoE prediction models.

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