Christine Croubois

Lecturer in management, innovation and entrepreneurship at HEC Paris


  • HEC Paris



HEC Paris

A graduate of HEC Paris and a member of the entrepreneurship department at HEC, Christine Croubois has embarked on a management career in international companies. Within her NEVERS MIND structure, Christine Croubois now leads conferences or workshops for entrepreneurship and supports project leaders in developing their skills (from the idea to the writing of a business plan, then in the search for funding and in their operational management).

It also guides the youngest in the choice of their higher education so that they build their personalized path towards employability.

Having lived 2 years in Mexico and 7 years in Japan, Christine Croubois also supports groups in the development of their intercultural skills by designing and organizing tailor-made study trips.

Today, mother of an entrepreneur, Christine Croubois is releasing her first book “Help, my daughter is building her box! », a practical guide for all parents of entrepreneurs based on personal experience.

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