Clas Rehnberg

Professor at Karolinska Institutet



  • C7 Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics
    • Division for Medical Management Centre
      • Unit for Health Economics and Policy


  • Linköpings universitet


  • Professor Karolinska Institutet (2003)
  • Visiting Professor University of Cape Town (2000 — 2003)
  • Associate Professor Stockholm School of Economics (1998 — 2003)
  • Assistant Professor Stockholm School of Economics (1991 — 1998)


  • Assessing the incidence of catastrophic health expenditure and impoverishment from out-of-pocket payments and their determinants in Bangladesh: evidence from the nationwide Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2016
    Ahmed S, Ahmed Mw, Hasan Mz, Mehdi Gg, Islam Z, Rehnberg C, Niessen Lw, Khan Jam International health 2022;14(1):84-96
  • A performance comparison of patient pathways in Nordic capital areas - a pilot study for ischaemic stroke patients
    Häkkinen U, Goude F, Hagen Tp, Kruse M, Moger T, Peltola M, Rehnberg C Scandinavian journal of public health 2020;48(3):275-288
  • Do employer-sponsored health insurance schemes affect the utilisation of medically trained providers and out-of-pocket payments among ready-made garment workers? A case-control study in Bangladesh
    Ahmed S, Sarker Ar, Sultana M, Roth F, Mahumud Ra, Kamruzzaman M, Hasan Mz, Mirelman Aj, Islam Z, Niessen Lw, Rehnberg C, Khan Aa, Gyr N, Khan Jam BMJ open 2020;10(3):e030298-
  • Healthcare pathways and resource use: mapping consequences of ambulance assessment for direct care with alternative healthcare providers
    Varg S, Vicente V, Castren M, Lindgren P, Rehnberg C
    BMC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2020;20(1):85-
  • The effect of a community-based health insurance on the out-of-pocket payments for utilizing medically trained providers in Bangladesh
    Khan Jam, Ahmed S, Sultana M, Sarker Ar, Chakrovorty S, Rahman Mh, Islam Z, Rehnberg C, Niessen Lw
    International health 2020;12(4):287-298
  • The productivity development of total hip arthroplasty in Sweden: a multiple registry-based longitudinal study using the Malmquist Productivity Index
    Goude F, Garellick G, Kittelsen Sac, Nemes S, Rehnberg C
    BMJ OPEN 2019;9(9):e028722-
  • Evaluating the implementation related challenges of Shasthyo Suroksha Karmasuchi (health protection scheme) of the government of Bangladesh: a study protocol
    Ahmed S, Hasan Mz, Ahmed Mw, Dorin F, Sultana M, Islam Z, Mirelman Aj, Rehnberg C, Khan Jam, Chowdhury Me
    BMC health services research 2018;18(1):552-
  • Implementation Research to Address the United States Health Disadvantage: Report of a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Workshop
    Engelgau Mm, Narayan Kmv, Ezzati M, Salicrup La, Belis D, Aron Ly, Beaglehole R, Beaudet A, Briss Pa, Chambers Da, Devaux M, Fiscella K, Gottlieb M, Hakkinen U, Henderson R, Hennis Aj, Hochman Js, Jan S, Koroshetz Wj, Mackenbach Jp, Marmot Mg, Martikainen P, Mcclellan M, Meyers D, Parsons Pe, Rehnberg C, Sanghavi D, Sidney S, Siega-riz Am, Straus S, Woolf Sh, Constant S, Creazzo Tl, De Jesus Jm, Gavini N, Lerner Nb, Mishoe Ho, Nelson C, Peprah E, Punturieri A, Sampson U, Tracy Rl, Mensah Ga
    Global heart 2018;13(2):65-72
  • Socioeconomic distribution of GP visits following patient choice reform and differences in reimbursement models: Evidence from Sweden
    Sveréus S, Kjellsson G, Rehnberg C
    Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2018;122(9):949-956
  • The impact of community-based health insurance on the utilization of medically trained healthcare providers among informal workers in Bangladesh
    Ahmed S, Sarker Ar, Sultana M, Chakrovorty S, Ahmed Mw, Dorin F, Mirelman Aj, Islam Z, Rahman Mh, Niessen Lw, Rehnberg C, Khan Jam
    PloS one 2018;13(7):e0200265-
  • Clinic continuity of care, clinical outcomes and direct costs for COPD in Sweden: a population based cohort study
    Sveréus S, Larsson K, Rehnberg C
    European clinical respiratory journal 2017;4(1):1290193-
  • Comparing Methods for Estimating Direct Costs of Adverse Drug Events
    Gyllensten H, Jönsson Ak, Hakkarainen Km, Svensson S, Hägg S, Rehnberg C Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research 2017;20(10):1299-1310
  • Direct and indirect costs for adverse drug events identified in medical records across care levels, and their distribution among payers
    Natanaelsson J, Hakkarainen Km, Hägg S, Andersson Sundell K, Petzold M, Rehnberg C, Jönsson Ak, Gyllensten H
    Research in social & administrative pharmacy : RSAP 2017;13(6):1151-1158
  • Recording a diagnosis of stroke, transient ischaemic attack or myocardial infarction in primary healthcare and the association with dispensation of secondary preventive medication: a registry-based prospective cohort study
    Dahlgren C, Geary L, Hasselström J, Rehnberg C, Schenck-gustafsson K, Wändell P, Euler Mv
    BMJ open 2017;7(9):e015723-
  • Linking Swedish health data registers to establish a research database and a shared decision-making tool in hip replacement
    Cnudde P, Rolfson O, Nemes S, Kärrholm J, Rehnberg C, Rogmark C, Timperley J, Garellick G
    BMC musculoskeletal disorders 2016;17(1):414-

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