Clelia Iacomino

Junior Lecturer of Space Economy at SDA Bocconi School of Management


  • SDA Bocconi School of Management



SDA Bocconi School of Management

Clelia Iacomino is a Junior Lecturer of Space Economy at SDA Bocconi School of Management that joined in 2018. She is also researcher at SEE Lab (Space Economy Evolution Lab) in policy impact analysis, market analysis and international business strategy.

At SDA Bocconi she has been interested in organizing workshops, webinars and international conferences. She participated in a series of international conferences such as: IAC (International Astronautical Congress), Economics of space debris workshop at CODER and Summit for Space Sustainability.

She also coordinated numerous research projects for space agencies, space and non-space industries and international organizations. She took part and coordinated to several training activities in the field of space economy, space policy and governance, satellite services (focus on: Telecommunication, Earth observation), evolution of technological trends and business strategies of space industries at an international level. She teaches in both Italian and in English in master, university courses and MBA.

Her research activities focus on: the impact of satellites services on demand side ( such as: agriculture, transportations, energy, insurance and telecommunications), technological trends regarding the on-orbit servicing, the impact of policy on corporate and international business strategy, space governance and european market fragmentation,knowledge sharing for innovation in a complex ecosystem, policy and business issues regarding the activities of Moon mining, economic theory applied to space debris scenarios and the role of the industries and public sectors of the sustainalibity of the Low Earth Orbit.

She is author of books and articles on space sector. Her works have been published in Il Sole 24 Ore, Airpress, Springer Books, Springer Brief in applied Sciences and Technologies and International Astronautical Congress. She has contributes to the Springer Book "Europe and the Global Space Economy - Institutional Challenges and Policy Solutions", analysing policies and space economy programs of major space faring nations, particularly the Unites States and the present institutional set up in Europe.

Clelia earned a MSc Degree in in Political Science – International Relations from La Sapienza University and a Master in Space Institutions and Policies at SIOI (Italian Society for International Organisation), Rome. She is currently PhD Candidate in Management & Innovation at Catholic University of Milan.

Teaching domains

  • Public Governance
  • Strategy and Public Policy
  • Policy Analysis
  • Policy Impact Analysis

Latest publications

IACOMINO C., ROSSI A., SAPUTO A. Economic theory applied to space debris scenarios in Earth’s Orbits at Risk: The Economics of Space Sustainability OECD (Eds),OECD Publishing, chap. 6, pp.97-113, 2022

IACOMINO C., PIANORSI M., SAPUTO A. L’importanza del rapporto pubblico-privato Economia & Management, 2022, no. 2, pp.66-70

IACOMINO C., PIANORSI M., SAPUTO A. Perché e come ridurre la grande quantità di detriti spaziali Economia & Management, 2022, no. 2, pp.71-81

IACOMINO C., PIANORSI M., SAPUTO A. Verso la Luna per l’esplorazione interplanetaria Economia & Management, 2022, no. 2, pp.82-88

IACOMINO C. Commercial Space Exploration. Potential Contributions of Private Actors to Space Exploration Programmes Springer International Publishing, , 2019

IACOMINO C., CICCARELLI S. Potential Contributions of Commercial Actors to Space Exploration Advances in Astronautics Science and Technology, 2018, vol.1, no. 1, pp.141-151


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