Daniel Fernández Kranz

Assistant Professor of Economics, Head of the Economics Department at IE Business School


  • IE Business School



IE Business School

Daniel Fernández Kranz holds a Ph.D. in Economics by the University of Chicago and is currently an Associate Tenured Professor and the Chair of the Economics Department at IE Business School. His research focuses on Empirical Microeconomics in the areas of family economics, labor markets, gender economics and policy evaluation. Daniel has taught economics at several master programs in IE and in advanced management programs and for companies in Spain and the United States. Before joining IE Business School, Daniel was an Economics Professor at Saint Louis University, Madrid, and an economic consultant at Nera Economic Consulting in the Chicago, Boston and Madrid offices, where he worked in cases related to antitrust and competition policy for companies in the software and telecommunications industries.

Academic Background

  • Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago
  • M.A. in Economics, University of Chicago
  • B.A. in Economics, University of Barcelona

Academic Experience

  • Chair of the Economics Department, IE Business School, Madrid, 2012 – present
  • Professor of Economic Environment and Country Analysis, IE Business School, Madrid, 2008 – present
  • Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Business Administration, member of the Academic Quality Evaluation Committee, Saint Louis University-Madrid Campus, 2003 – 2008

Corporate Experience

  • Consultant at NERA (National Economics Research Associates), Madrid, 2000 – 2003

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