Daniel Lerner

Assistant Professor at IE Business School


  • IE Business School



IE Business School

Dan’s work is informed by business and personal experience. His current research interests involve entrepreneurial action and outcomes – bridging psychology, organizational behavior and strategy. He has received various teaching recognitions, as well as research awards. Dan has published in leading scientific journals including: Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal; Academy of Management Annals; Academy of Management Review; Academy of Management Perspectives, Small Business Economics, and others. Prior to completing a PhD, he was involved with various start-ups, consulting, and industry studies.


  • Doctor of Philosophy - PhD University of Colorado Boulder
  • University of Colorado Boulder - Leeds School of Business
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) University of Colorado at Boulder - Leeds School of Business


  • Assistant Professor IE Business School (2019)
  • Assistant Professor Deusto Business School (2013 — 2019)
  • Instructor & Doctoral Candidate University of Colorado (2010 — 2013)
  • various various (1993 — 2008)


  • Asgari, E., Hunt, R., Lerner, D., Townsend, D., Hayward, M., Kiefer, K. (2021). “Red Giants or Black Holes? The Antecedent Conditions and Multi-Level Impacts of Star Performers”. Academy of Management Annals, Vol. 15 (1)
  • Van Lent, W., Hunt, R., Lerner, D. (2020). “Back to Which Future? Recalibrating the Time-Calibrated Narratives of Entrepreneurial Action to Account for Non-Deliberative Dynamics”. Academy of Management Review
  • Hunt, R., Lerner, D., Townsend, D. (2019). “Parental Endowments versus Business Acumen: Assessing the Fate of Low-Tech, Service-Sector Spinouts”. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 13 (4), 478-506
  • Lerner, D., Alkærsig, L., Fitza, M., Lomberg, C., Johnson, S. (2020). “Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained: Parasite Infection is Associated with Entrepreneurial Initiation, Engagement and Performance”. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 45 (1): 118-144
  • Wiklund, J., Hatak, I., Lerner, D., Verheul, I., Thurik , R., Antshel, K. (2020). “Entrepreneurship, Clinical Psychology and Mental Health: An Exciting and Promising New Field of Research”. Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol. 34 (2): 291-295

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