Daniel Mroczek




Dan Mroczek received his B.S. at Loyola University Chicago and his Ph.D. in developmental psychology at Boston University. After completing a postdoc in epidemiology at the Univ. of Michigan, he was a psychology professor at Fordham University for 10 years. He then moved to Purdue University where he held the Berners-Hanley Chair of Gerontology within the Human Development & Family Studies department. After 8 years at Purdue he moved to Northwestern where he has a dual appointment across the ...[Read full text]Dan Mroczek received his B.S. at Loyola University Chicago and his Ph.D. in developmental psychology at Boston University. After completing a postdoc in epidemiology at the Univ. of Michigan, he was a psychology professor at Fordham University for 10 years. He then moved to Purdue University where he held the Berners-Hanley Chair of Gerontology within the Human Development & Family Studies department. After 8 years at Purdue he moved to Northwestern where he has a dual appointment across the Feinberg School of Medicine (Medical Social Sciences department) and the Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences (Psychology department).[Shorten text]

Academic Focus

Dan Mroczek’s research focuses on 1.) lifespan personality development, including change, stability, and trajectory models of key traits, 2) the influence of personality (and personality change) on physical health, mortality, and other important life outcomes (e.g., well-being). He also has several methodological interests, in particular multilevel modeling, survival analysis, longitudinal design, secondary and archival data analysis, and integrative data analysis (IDA). His research is suppor...[Read full text]Dan Mroczek’s research focuses on 1.) lifespan personality development, including change, stability, and trajectory models of key traits, 2) the influence of personality (and personality change) on physical health, mortality, and other important life outcomes (e.g., well-being). He also has several methodological interests, in particular multilevel modeling, survival analysis, longitudinal design, secondary and archival data analysis, and integrative data analysis (IDA). His research is supported by the National Institute on Aging. Below are 4 of his most recent publications:Allemand, M., Job, V., & Mroczek, D.K. (in press; published online December 13, 2018). Self-control development in adolescence predicts love and work in adulthood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. NIHMS1013876Mroczek, D.K., Graham, E.K., Turiano, N.A., & Oro-Lambo, M.O. (in press). Personality Development in Adulthood and Later Life. In Robins, R.W., John. O.P., & Pervin, L.A. (Eds.) Handbook of Personality: Theory and Research (4th Edition). New York: Guilford.Weston, S. J., Gladstone, J. J., Graham, E. K., Mroczek, D. K., & Condon, D. M. (in press; Published advance access online September 13, 2018). Who Are the Scrooges? Personality Predictors of Holiday Spending. Social Psychological and Personality ScienceGraham, E.K., Rutsohn, J.P., Turiano, N.A., Bendayan, R., Batterham, P., Gerstorf, D., Katz, M., Reynolds, C., Schoenhofen, E., Yoneda, T., Bastarache, E., Elleman, Zelinski, E.M., Johansson, B., Kuh, D., Barnes, L.L., Bennett, D., Deeg, D., Lipton, R., Pedersen, N., Piccinin, A., Spiro, A., Muniz-Terrera, G., Willis, S., Schaie, K.W., Roan, C., Herd, P., Hofer, S.M., & Mroczek, D.K. (2017). Personality predicts mortality risk: An integrative analysis of 15 international longitudinal studies. Journal of Research in Personality, 70, 174-186.


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