David McKevitt
Lecturer at Cork University Business School
- Cork University Business School
Cork University Business School
My research interests include SME participation in public procurement and project management careers. I am also academic director of two UCC programmes, MSc Project management and the level 8 Certificate in Procurement Management. I have published in the Journal of Public Procurement, Public Money and Management, International Journal of Public Sector Management, International Small Business Journal and the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research.
I joined the School of Management and Marketing (UCC) in 2014. Prior to this, I was Research Fellow in Procurement at DCU Business School including project-lead on the cross-border ‘Winning in Tendering’ initiative. I have lectured on a range of postgraduate programmes incl. UCD, Smurfit School of Business, BUPT (China), Queen Mary, University of London, Singapore (APMI), Hong Kong (APMI) and the Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS).
Prior to my academic career, I worked for many well-known firms in the pharmaceutical and telecommunication industries. From 2015-17, I was a judge on the Procurement and Supply Chain Awards (www.procurementawards.ie)and mentor for the SUAS literacy programme. This program gives one-to-one mentor support to children in designated disadvantaged schools (www.suas.ie/Ireland). During 2018/19 I judged the National Education Awards (www.educationawards.ie), which recognizes, encourages and celebrates excellence in the third level education sector on the island of Ireland from both State and privately funded institutions.
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