Declan O'Regan

Professor of Imaging Sciences at Imperial College London


  • Imperial College London



Imperial College London


Prof Declan O'Regan is an MRC Investigator and Consultant Radiologist who leads the Computational Cardiac Imaging Group at the MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences. He is also Director for Imaging Research at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. He is committed to science engagement and is a past Roentgen (UK) and Rowan-Williams (Australasia) travelling professor lecturing internationally on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. He is board member for the British Society of Cardiac MR and sits on the Advisory Council of the British Heart Foundation. He is also an Associate Editor for npg Digital Medicine and European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging.

His research is focussed on using machine learning to discover mechanisms that underpin common cardiovascular diseases by integrating data from human imaging, genetics and environmental risk factors. His work includes developing algorithms for predicting human survival from cardiac motion and understanding how complex traits influence the risk of heart failure. He also collaborates with industry to accelerate progress in drug discovery using automated genotype-phenotype modelling.


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