Derrick Neufeld

Associate Professor, Information Systems & Entrepreneurship at Ivey Business School


  • Ivey Business School



Ivey Business School

I’m an Associate Professor of Information Systems at the Ivey Business School. Previously I earned my living as a systems analyst and management consultant, and for several years I ran a consulting / data analytics firm that serviced large financial and manufacturing firms in Canada, the US, and Asia.

My research explores the effects and effectiveness of technology mediation on individuals and organizations. Specific topics include remote leadership, virtual teams, online trust formation, telework, e-commerce, and cybercrime. My completed research has appeared in many scholarly journals (e.g., JMIS, JIT, EJIS, I&M, CHB, LQ, HBR), and has earned awards and distinctions including the IS Senior Scholar’s Best Publication Award (2010), and the Emerald Literati Award (2016).

To date I have had the pleasure of supervising two outstanding doctoral students, from thesis development through to graduation, and both have since developed prodigious careers. Linying Dong (Ted Rogers School of Management in Toronto) is an expert in IT leadership and governance. Yulin Fang (City University of Hong Kong) studies knowledge management, open platforms, and e-commerce, and serves in senior editorial roles for several top IS journals. I am open to working with select doctoral students with interests related to individual and organizational impacts of technology mediation. Currently, I am pursuing research to answer the following kinds of questions:

  • How does online eye contact influence trust prediction? (Experimental)
  • Does leadership occur in ‘leaderless’ open source teams? (Qualitative)
  • How do “digital artifacts” support virtual team coordination? (Field)
  • What is motivating cybercriminal behaviour? (Theory)


  • Data Management (MBA, MSc, MMA)


  • BComm, Hons - Manitoba
  • CPA, CMA
  • PhD, Ivey

Recent Refereed Articles

  • Fang, Y.; Neufeld, D. J.; Zhang, X., 2022, "Knowledge coordination via digital artifacts in highly dispersed teams", Information Systems Journal, May 32(3): 520 - 543.
  • Neufeld, D. J.; Roghanizad, M., 2018, "Research: How Customers Decide Whether to Buy from Your Website", Harvard Business Review
  • Brotheridge, C.; Neufeld, D. J.; Dyck, B., 2015, "Communicating Virtually in a Global Organization", Journal of Managerial Psychology, November 30(7): 909 - 924.
  • Roghanizad, M.; Neufeld, D. J., 2015, "Intuition, risk, and the formation of online trust", Computers in Human Behavior, September 50: 489 - 498.
  • Neufeld, D. J.; Fang, Y.; Wan, Z., 2013, "Community of practice behaviors and individual learning outcomes", Group Decision and Negotiation, July 22(4): 617 - 639.
  • Neufeld, D. J.; Wan, Z.; Fang, Y., 2010, "Remote Leadership, Communication Effectiveness and Leader Performance", Group Decision and Negotiation, March 19(2): 227 - 246.
  • Fang, Y.; Neufeld, D. J., 2009, "Understanding Sustained Participation in Open Source Software Projects", Journal of Management Information Systems, June 25(4): 9 - 50.
  • Dong, L.; Neufeld, D. J.; Higgins, C. A., 2009, "Top Management Support of Enterprise Systems Implementations", Journal of Information Technology, March 24(1): 55 - 80.
  • Dong, L.; Neufeld, D. J.; Higgins, C. A., 2008, "Testing Klein and Sorra's Innovation Implementation Model", Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, December 25(4): 237 - 255.
  • Neufeld, D. J.; Dong, L.; Higgins, C. A., 2007, "Charismatic Leadership and User Acceptance of Information Technology", European Journal of Information Systems, December 16(4): 494 - 510.
  • Wan, Z.; Fang, Y.; Neufeld, D. J., 2007, "The Role of Information Technology in Technology-Mediated Learning: A Review of the Past for the Future", Journal of Information Systems Education, December 18(2): 183 - 192.
  • Neufeld, D. J.; Fang, Y.; Huff, S. L., 2007, "The IS identity crisis", Communications of the Association for Information Systems, April 19(19): 447 - 464.
  • Fang, Y.; Neufeld, D. J., 2006, "The Pendulum Swings Back - Individual Acceptance of Centralized Computing Platforms", Data base for Advances in Information Systems, December 37(2/3): 33 - 41.
  • Neufeld, D. J.; Fang, Y., 2005, "Individual, Social and Situational Determinants of Telecommuter Productivity", Information and Management, September 42(7): 1037 - 1049.
  • Howell, J. M.; Neufeld, D. J.; Avolio, B. J., 2005, "Examining the Relationship of Leadership and Physical Distance with Business Unit Performance", Leadership Quarterly, April 16(2): 273 - 285.

Work in Progress

  • How does online eye contact influence trust prediction? (Experimental)
  • Do leaders emerge in “leaderless” open source teams? (Qualitative)
  • How do “digital artifacts” support virtual team coordination? (Field)
  • What motivates cybercriminals? (Theory review)


  • Associate Professor, Ivey Business School
  • Assistant Professor, Ivey Business School
  • Assistant Professor, The University of Manitoba
  • Visiting Professor, The University of Victoria (International EMBA-Bangkok)
  • President, InfoGen Research


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