Diptarka Chakraborty

Assistant Professor at National University of Singapore


  • National University of Singapore



National University of Singapore

Dr. Diptarka CHAKRABORTY is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science. He obtained his PhD degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India in 2016. After that, he spent two years at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic as a post-doctoral fellow hosted by Prof. Michal Koucky, and then almost a year at Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel as a post-doctoral fellow hosted by Prof. Robert Krauthgamer.

His research interests are in the areas of Theoretical Computer Science; more specifically, algorithms on large data set, streaming algorithms, string matching algorithms, graph algorithms, and data structures.


  • PhD in Computer Scicence and Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India in 2016


  • Algorithms & Theory
  • Combinatorial Algorithms
  • Complexity Theory
  • Fault Tolerance & Robustness
  • Graph Theory & Algorithms
  • Learning Theory
  • Optimisation


  • Theoretical Computer Science; more specifically, algorithms on large data set, streaming algorithms, string matching algorithms, graph algorithms and data structures


  • Best Paper Award at FOCS 2018
  • IBM Research India Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award 2015-16


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