Dorian-Patrizia Baroni

Practitioner – USA and Italy at Presencing Institute


  • Presencing Institute




Presencing Institute

Dorian is an Executive Coach, Leadership Retreats Faculty, and Organizational Advisor. Her business experience has spanned a variety of industries - investment banking, global energy, consumer goods and art retail, consulting and executive coaching - and a number of countries - UK, US, Venezuela, Italy, Belgium.

She joined the business world in 1983 as part of her research into the impact of automation on Wall Street. As a Masters candidate in Cultural Anthropology, she was intrigued by the potential for technology to significantly transform the dynamics of the industry. Her working question was whether collaboration, trust and transparency would be enhanced by the advent of information systems. She continues to stay curious about the subject and it is because of this early interest that she became 'hooked' on a business career, and on discovering what it might take to create a business culture that produces both financial rewards while enhancing the quality of life of employees, communities and customers.

What she focuses on - One of her core beliefs is that a leader's individual journey towards wholeness is critical to addressing today's complexity and challenges. Her experience and research has shown that the core capacity of high performing teams is their ability to trust each other. Yet building trust across differences is often a low priority. She wants to change that and therefore focuses much of her team and organizational work on those dynamics, as well as a senior team's capacity to see the intricacies of the system they are accountable for guiding. And as a business woman, she is also particularly passionate about the role and power of feminine leadership to support the evolution of global mindsets, social systems and models of economic impact. That is part of the reason why she has launched the Agents of Change programs for women, mentors in the UCLA MBA women's program, contributes to the alumnae program of W&M, supports the Eileen Fisher Leadership Institute and guides the Coming Into Your Own (CIYO) women's leadership retreats globally.

How she works - Dorian works with both individuals and organizational teams. In her coaching, she helps individuals develop a higher quality of self-awareness, so as to enable courses of action in which the truth of one's individual calling and the power of one's true gifts can more clearly 'show up'. When working with organizations, she looks for the patterns in the organizational culture, systems or structures - whether hidden conflicts or self-defeating strategies - which are getting in the way of the creative potential of collective endeavors. She also brings her 35+ years of business acumen to the table to support her clients in asking the questions of themselves and of their organization that are needed to build sustainable products or services. Bringing to light patterns and insights allows for a different level of conversations in which the truth about such 'stuckness' can be seen, voiced and ultimately transformed.

Who she has worked with - In her corporate career she has worked with Morgan Stanley, Procter & Gamble and BP. Immediately prior to her MBA, she supported the launch of two art galleries in Southern California, and art and the arts have remained an area of passion and learning ongoingly. In addition to founding and running, her own global coaching and leadership advisory business since 2006, she has worked as a Senior Associate with a range of boutique consultancies, namely: Dialogos, Pluribus, Morris Graham and Harthill.

Her clients and their backgrounds, and their interests for contracting with her are quite diverse: clients range from individual millennial professionals coaching clients to teenage participants in a summer leadership program to Fortune 50 senior leadership teams seeking to enhance their collective capacity for change to humanitarian relief organization staff who are looking for leadership advisory support. Dorian is particularly interested in working more and more with women and men that do not usually have access to leadership development programmatic materials, frameworks or programs. That was a major driver in her launching the online Agents of Change master-programs in 2017, as a first set of offerings that will be the precursors for an eventual range of resources that will be easily and broadly available to women (and men) seeking out change mastery support.

Location - Dorian work with many of her clients virtually leveraging teleconferencing and Zoom videoconferencing. Her home base is in the Southwest of the US where she moved to be closer to parents, while she still spends a significant portion of her working time in New York and Los Angeles, as well as in Europe (mainly in London and Rome).

Education, Certifications and Languages

  • MBA - Anderson School of Management at UCLA
  • BA Cultural Anthropology - College of William and Mary in Virginia
  • Coaching Certification foundations: Dialogos and Columbia University

Assessments certifications: MBTI, FIRO-B, TKI, Harthill LDF, Fascination Profile, Business Model You

Bilingual in Italian and English, with fluent working understanding of French and basic comprehension of Spanish.

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