Doug Lloyd

Senior Preceptor in Computer Science at Harvard University at Harvard Law School


  • Harvard Law School




Harvard Law School

My name is Doug Lloyd, and I'm passionate about education and technology. I am currently Senior Preceptor in Computer Science at Harvard University's Division of Continuing Education, a role that I have held since 2015. In that capacity, I primarily work alongside Professor David J. Malan and the rest of our team on CS50, Harvard's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming. Before stepping into my role as preceptor, I had served as a teaching fellow for the course beginning in 2007. Now, many students both on-campus and off know me as the shorts guy (or the guy who wears all those polo shirts).

After graduating from Harvard with a degree in Computer Science in 2009, I arguably made a sharp pivot in my career trajectory, and enrolled at Northeastern University School of Law. I graduated in 2012 with my law degree and was admitted to the Massachusetts bar later that year. After a few years in solo practice in my hometown, I retired from the practice of law and returned to teaching, and have been thrilled to be part of a team whose charge it is to transform education in all facets: curricularly, technologically, and visually.

Besides CS50, I am involved in teaching or helping to teach other courses at Harvard as well. I am also an avid board gamer and, after participating in National Novel Writing Month in 2013, a published novelist. In 2012, I also accomplished a long-standing goal of mine by appearing on (and also winning once!) the game show Jeopardy!


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