Ebo Turkson

Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics, University of Ghana at Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies


  • Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies




Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies


Trade and Development Economics, International Trade Policy and International macroeconomics; Small Enterprises Development; Managerial Economics; Applied Econometrics; Financial and Monetary Economics.


  • PhD (Economics) - University of Nottingham, UK – 2012
  • M.Phil. (Economics) – University of Ghana -1999
  • BA (Hons) Economics and Sociology (Combined Major) – University of Ghana- 1996
  • GCE “A” Levels – Accra Academy -1991
  • GCE “O” Level – Accra Academy - 1989

Other Education

  • PhD (Economics) – Coursework @ Harvard University – 2006

Primary Research Focus

  • Trade and Development Economics, International Trade Policy and International macroeconomics; Small Enterprises Development; Managerial Economics; Applied Econometrics; Financial and Monetary Economics.

On-Going and recently Completed Research Projects (2016-2020)

  • “Soft skills for the Youth in sub-Saharan Africa – the Ghanaian Context” under the project “Boosting Decent Employment for Africa’s Youth”.- An International Development Research Centre (IDRC), INCLUDE and the International Labour Organization (ILO) project- Funded by IDRC: (2019-2021)
  • “Industries Without Smokestacks- The Case of Ghana”- A Brookings Institute Project: (2019-2020)
  • “Rethinking Regional Integration in Africa For Inclusive and Sustainable Development”- An AERC Regional Integration Project: (2017-2019)
  • “Clusters, Knowledge and Firm Performance: Evidence from Ghana”- A Global Development Network (GDN) Project: (2017-2019)
  • The Employment Effects of Different Development Policy Instruments: The Case of Ghana- Swiss Programme for Research on Global Issues for Development –A collaboration with the World Trade Institute, University of Genève, Switzerland; WITS University, South Africa etc. Funding from Swiss Science Foundation and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation: (2014-2018)


Book Chapters

  1. Dzeha, G. C. O., J. Y. Abor, F. E. Turkson, and E. K. Agbloyor. 2017. "Do Remittances Matter in Accelerating Labour Productivity and Capital Accumulation?" In Development Finance, by D. Cassimon, & A. Mullineux N. Biekpe, 251-283. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978- 3-319-54165-5
  2. Quartey, P., B. Owusu-Brown, and F. E. Turkson. 2017. "Monetary Policy and Inflation Management in Ghana: Inflation Targeting and Outcomes. (pp. 88-102)." In The Economy of Ghana Sixty Years After Independence, by E. Aryeetey and R. Kanbur, 88-102. UK: Oxford University. ISBN: 9780198753438.
  3. Ackah, C., C. Adjasi, and F. E. Turkson. 2016. "Industrial Policy in Ghana: its Evolution and Impact." In Manufacturing Transformation: Comparative Studies of Industrial Development in Africa and Emerging Asia, by C. Newman, J. Page, J. Rand, A. Shemeles, M. Söderbom and F. Tarp, 50-71. UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978–0–19–877698–7
  4. Turkson, F. E. 2015. "Integration and Regional Trade in Sub-Saharan Africa. In (Eds.),." In Handbook of Trade and Development, by O. Morrissey, R. Lopez and K. Sharma, 210-231. UK and Northampton, MA. USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Corp. ISBN: 978-1-78100-530- 9
  5. Turkson, F. E. 2015. "Trade Costs." In Handbook of Trade and Development, by O. Morrissey, R. Lopez and K. Sharma, 38-61. UK and Northampton, MA. USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Cheltenham. ISBN: 978-1-78100-530- 9.
  6. Turkson, F. E. 2014. "Trade Barrier Costs within ECOWAS: Implications for Ghana’s Trade within the Sub-region." In Readings on Key Economic Issues in Ghana, by D. Twerefou, P. Quartey, L. Boakye-Yiadom and W. Baah-Boateng, 191-217. Accra: Digibooks.
  7. Turkson, F. E., and W. Baah-Boateng. 2005. "Openness, Income Distribution and Poverty." In Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction; A Case Study of Ghana, by E. Aryeetey, Accra. ISSER/ILO. ISBN: 9964-75-050-1.
  8. Baah-Boateng, W., and F. E. Turkson. 2005. "Employment." In Globalization, Employment and Poverty Reduction; A Case study of Ghana, by E. Aryeetey. Accra: ISSER/ILO.
  9. Baah-Nuakoh, A., F. E. Turkson, K. A. Baah-Nuakoh, and W. Baah-Boateng. 2003. "Growth and Transformation of Small Manufacturing Firms in Africa: Insight from Ghana, Kenya and Zimbabwe (The Ghanaian Case Study)." In African Centre for Economic Growth, by A. Mullei. African Centre for Economic Growth.

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