Ed McLaughlin

Interim David J. Nolan Dean at School of Hotel Administration


  • School of Hotel Administration



School of Hotel Administration

Edward McLaughlin is the Robert G. Tobin Professor of Marketing Emeritus at the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management. He served as interim dean of Dyson from July 2020 to July 2021 and from June 2016 to June 2017. McLaughlin directed Dyson’s undergraduate business program, the largest undergraduate major at Cornell, for 20 years. He also served as the faculty director of the Food Executive Program (now in its 56th year) and directed Cornell’s Food Industry Management Program. He is a distinguished expert in the efficiency of food distribution systems who has worked with food industry companies, trade associations, and public policymakers over many decades.

A Dyson faculty member since 1983, McLaughlin retired from his teaching and research roles in the summer of 2019, becoming a professor emeritus while retaining ongoing commitments as director of several Cornell executive education and international programs, including the Food Executive Program, the United Fresh Produce Executive Development Program, and programs in Holland, in Japan, and at Vin University in Hanoi, Vietnam, an institution developed in collaboration with Cornell University and the Cornell SC Johnson College that opened in 2020.

A dynamic teacher who has been honored with many teaching awards, McLaughlin was named a Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow, Cornell’s highest award for distinguished teaching, in 2006. The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences named him an Outstanding Faculty Member in 2020. His research has appeared in numerous academic journals including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, and Journal of Retailing, where he has won several best-paper awards. He is also the author or co-author of three books.

Selected Publications

  • Gupta, Sachin; McLaughlin, Edward; Gómez, Miguel. "Guest Satisfaction and Restaurant Performance"The Next Frontier in Restaurant Management: Harnessing Data to Improve Guest Service and Enhance the Employee Experience, Ed. Alex Susskind, Ed. Mark Maynard-Parisi. Cornell University Press. (2019): 33-53
  • Yonezawa, Koichi; Gomez, Miguel; McLaughlin, Edward. "The Long Term Effect of Marketing Organic Products". American Association of Agricultural Economics. (2017)
  • McLaughlin, Edward. "On-Line Food Shopping: Peapod Accelerates Growth". Regent of the University of California. (2017)
  • McLaughlin, Edward. "Smart & Final: Catching the Next Wave of Growth". Regents of the University of California. (2014)
  • McLaughlin, Edward; Kaiser, Harry; Rickard, Bradley. "Promoting Fresh Produce: A Losing Battle?"Agribusiness. 30.4 (2014): 370-384
  • McLaughlin, Edward; Gomez, Miguel. "Food Distribution"Introduction to the US Food System: Public Health, Environment and Equity, Ed. R. Neff. Jossey-Bass. (2014)
  • Zheng, Yuqing; McLaughlin, Edward; Kaiser, Harry. "Taxing Food and Beverages: Theory, Evidence, and Policy"American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 95.3 (2013): 705-723
  • Simon, Daniel; Gómez, Miguel; McLaughlin, Edward; Wittink, Dick. "Employee Attitudes, Customer Satisfaction, and Sales Performance: Assessing the Linkages in US Grocery Stores"Managerial and Decision Economics. 30.1 (2009): 27-41
  • Gomez, Miguel; Rao, Vithala; McLaughlin, Edward. "Empirical Analysis of Budget and Allocation of Trade Promotions in the U.S. Supermarket Industry"Journal of Marketing Research. 44.3 (2007): 410-424
  • Gomez, Miguel; McLaughlin, Edward; Wittink, Dick. "Customer satisfaction and retail sales performance: An empirical investigation"Journal of Retailing. 80.4 (2004): 265-278

Awards and Honors

  • Best Paper Award 2013 "Taxing Food and Beverages: Theory, Evidence, and Policy" (2013) American Journal of Agricultural Economics
  • Best Paper Award 2007, “Guest Satisfaction and Restaurant Performance", Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 2007 48:284-298 (2008) Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
  • Weiss Presidential Teaching Fellow (2007) Cornell University
  • AAEA 1993 Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award (1993)
  • SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (1998)

Academic Degrees

  • PhD Michigan State University, 1983
  • MS University of Vermont, 1977
  • BS St. Lawrence University, 1970


Courses Taught

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