Edward Fierros

Associate Professor, Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Villanova University


  • Villanova University



Villanova University


  • B.A., Political Science, Secondary Teacher Certification The University of Texas at San Antonio, 1990
  • M.S., Public Affairs The University of Massachusetts at Boston, McCormack Institute of Politics, 1994
  • Ph.D. Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation, and Educational Policy (CSTEEP) Boston College, December 1999


  • Fierros, E.G., (2012). "Testing Students with Special Needs" in J. Banks (Ed.) The Encyclopedia of Multicultural Education. Sage Publications.
  • Fierros, E.G. (2011). Bureau of Indian Affairs Schools, American Indian Culture, and NCLB Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Schools" Responses to the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Law. Third Paris International Conference on Education, Economy & Society Conference Proceedings.
  • Titone, C., Fierros, E.G. and Malott, K. (2011). Waking From Dysconsciousness: Assessing Racism in Three University Classrooms. Third Paris International Conference on Education, Economy & Society Conference Proceedings.
  • Fierros, E.G. & Rooney, B.A. (2011) Review of "2010 State School Report Card: A state-by-state analysis of learning efficiency, and standards." Boulder, CO: National Education Policy Center. Retrieved 2/23/2011 from http://nepc.colorado.edu/thinktank/review-2010-state-school-report
  • Artiles, A., Klingner, J., Sullivan, A.& Fierros, E.G. (2010). "Shifting Landscapes of Professional Practices: ELL Special Education Placement in English-only States" in P. Gándara and M. Hopkins (Eds.) Forbidden Language: English Learners and Restrictive Language Policies. UCLA Civil Rights Project.
  • Fierros, E.G., (2009). "Arts-Based Teacher Education: Using Performance Ethnography to Confront Issues of Privilege, Race, and Institutional Racism". Multicultural Perspectives.
  • Fierros, E. G. & Kornhaber, M. L. (2008). Review of "Education Olympics 2008: The Games in Review." Boulder and Tempe: Education and the Public Interest Center & Education Policy Research Unit. http://epicpolicy.org/thinktank/review-education-olympics
  • Fierros, E.G. (2007). "Parental Considerations for Students with Special Needs Wishing to Attend Charter Schools" Paper Proceedings from the 14th Annual World Congress on Learning Disabilities, Burlington, MA: Learning Disabilities Fierros, E.G. (2007). "Parental Considerations for Students with Special Needs Wishing to Attend Charter Schools" Paper Proceedings from the 14th Annual World Congress on Learning Disabilities, Burlington, MA: Learning Disabilities Worldwide.
  • Fierros, E.G. (2006). "Special Education Restrictiveness and Placement Patterns for Latinas(os)." in Diaz Soto, Eds. Praeger Handbook of Latino Education in the U.S. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishing Co.
  • Fierros, E.G. (2006). "One Size Does Not Fit All: A Response to Institutionalizing Inequity" Disabilities Studies Quarterly, 26, (2). Chicago, IL: University of Illinois at Chicago.
  • Fierros, E.G. & Foley, J.A. (2005). "Examining the Role of Technology to Create a Safe Haven for Student Teachers." Journal of Computing in Teacher Education. Ames, IA: Iowa State University. Winter.
  • Fierros, E.G. & Blomberg, N. (2005). "Restrictiveness and Race in Special Education Placements in For-Profit and Non-Profit Charter Schools in California" Learning Disabilities Contemporary Journal 3 (1) 1-16. Weston, MA: Learning Disabilities Worldwide.
  • Fierros, E.G. (2005). "Restrictiveness and Race in Special Education: Addressing the Problem We Know to Well" Learning Disabilities Contemporary Journal 3 (1) 75-85. Weston, MA: Learning Disabilities Worldwide.
  • Fierros, E.G. (2004). How Multiple Intelligences Theory Can Guide Teachers' Practices: Ensuring Success for Students with Disabilities. On Point Series - National Institute for Urban School Improvement. Washington, DC: Office for Special Education Programs. (20 pages).
  • Kornhaber, M.L., Fierros, E.G., & Veenema, S. (2004). Multiple Intelligences: Best Ideas from Research and Practice. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon Publishers.
  • Fierros, E. and Conroy, J. (2002). "Double Jeopardy: An Exploration of Restrictiveness and Race in Special Education" in Losen, D. and Orfield G. Racial Inequity in Special Education Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Law School Civil Rights Project
  • Mullis, I.V.S, Martin, M., Fierros, E., Goldberg A., and Stemler, S. (2000). Examining gender differences in mathematics achievement on the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College.
  • Haney, W., Russell, M., Gulek, C., & Fierros, E. (1998) Drawing on education: using student reflection surveys and drawings to promote middle school improvement. Schools in the Middle. National Association of Secondary School Principals: Chicago.
  • Fierros, E. & Hanes F. (1997) Project MTS - Enhancing Evaluation Capacity in Science Education through Meta-evaluation, Training, and Support. New England Board of Higher Education: Boston.

Teaching Areas:

  • Educational Research, Multicultural Education, Special Education


  • Fierros, E.G. (1999). Examining gender differences in mathematics achievement on the Third International Mathematics and Science Study. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College.

Area of Expertise:

  • Fellow, National Education Policy Council (NEPCColorado.org) Consultant, Educational Testing Service (ETS.org)


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