Eila Järvenpää
Professor, Work Psychology, Competence and Knowledge Management at Aalto University School of Business
Aalto University School of Business
Peer-reviewed scientific articles
Journal article-refereed, Original researchAsiantuntijuuden kehittyminen ydinvoima-alalla
Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Mäki, Eerikki; Pahkin, Krista; Leppänen, Anneli; Järvenpää, Eila2009 in ATS YdintekniikkaISSN: 0356-0473Managing a virtual team of newspaper journalists: a case study
Lahenius, Katja; Järvenpää, Eila2004 in TEAM PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)Le sfide del management inteculturale
Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2003 in Quaderni di Management (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.)Information and communication technology driven business transformation - a call for research
Keil, Thomas; Eloranta, Eero; Holmström, Jan; Järvenpää, Eila; Takala, Minna; Autio, Erkko; Hawk, David2001 in COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY (Elsevier)Implementation of office automation and its effects on job characteristics and strain in a district court
Järvenpää, E.1998 in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION (Taylor and Francis Ltd.)Action research in the laboratory of industrial psychology
Buhanist, Paul; Järvenpää, Eila; Teikari, Veikko; Vartiainen, Matti1993 in The European Work and Organizational Psychologist (Taylor and Francis Ltd.)Työn lyhytaikainen psyykkinen kuormittavuus
Järvenpää, E.1992 in PSYKOLOGIA (Taylor and Francis Ltd.)Tuomiokunnan tuomareiden työn psyykkinen kuormittavuus
Järvenpää, Eila; Vartiainen, Matti1988 in OIKEUS (Taylor and Francis Ltd.)ISSN: 0356-4037Tietojärjestelmien käyttöönotto ja koulutus - kokemuksia Vantaan tuomiokunnasta
Vartiainen, Matti; Järvenpää, Eila1988 in AIKUISKASVATUS (Taylor and Francis Ltd.)ISSN: 0358-6197Book section, Chapters in research booksICT Tools and Transform in Work: From Computer Supported Work to Knowledge Work
Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2011 ISBN: 9781609600570Cultural differences in multinational team communication in an IT service organisation
Hulkkonen, J.; Soikkeli, A.; Järvenpää, Eila2008 The impacts of information technology on the stock and flow of a firm's intellectual capital
Toivonen, Marja; Smedlund, Anssi; Järvenpää, Eila2007 Kaukokartoitukseen perustuvan muutostulkinnan tulokset
Härmä, P.; Törmä, M.; Järvenpää, E.2005 ISBN: 952-11-2004-5Kaukokartoitukseen perustuva analyysi
Härmä, P.; Törmä, M.; Järvenpää, E.2005 ISBN: 952-11-2004-5Collaboration in organizational networks
Järvenpää, Eila; Mäki, Eerikki2005 Organisaatiot ja johtaminen
Järvenpää, Eila; Ylitalo, Jari2004 SME collaboration with universities and polytechnics - a potential for company growth through human capital development
Immonen, Stina; Järvenpää, Eila2003 Knowledge sharing and intellectual capital in organizational work
Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2003 Cross-cultural factors in macroergonomics
Carayon, Pascale; Järvenpää, Eila2001 Competence needs in software industry
Immonen, Stina; Järvenpää, Eila; Kokko, Niina2001 Quality of working life and information and communication technologies
Järvenpää, Eila2001 Information society and competencies: challenges for higher educational systems and companies
Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2001 Organizational culture and organizational development
Järvenpää, Eila; Eloranta, Eero2001 Information and communication technologies (ICT) and quality of working life: implications for competencies and well-being
Järvenpää, E.; Eloranta, E.2000 Building Network Organizations - Implications for Organizational Culture and Leadership
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.1998 Methods and Tools in Developing Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.1998 Long-term customer relations in a project company - the role of customer feedback systems
Jakobsson, M.; Järvenpää, E.1998 Company networks an introduction
Järvenpää, E.; Ranta, J.1998 Networks in non-profit organizations: a case study about museum networks
Järvenpää, E.; Mäki, E.1998 Quality of working life in knowledge and information work: Implications for information society
Järvenpää, E.; Immonen, S.1998 Verkostojen johtaminen ja hallinta
Järvenpää, E.; Immonen, S.1998 Introduction
Martinsuo, M.; Järvenpää, E.1998 Industry-university co-operation in Ph.D.Education
Takala, M.; Järvenpää, E.1998 Työpsykologian tutkimusmenetelmät
Järvenpää, E.; Luoma, J.1997 The fit between national and organizational cultures from the employee point of view
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.; Derjami, B.A.1997 Measurement of organizational culture in different cultural contexts
Järvenpää, E.; Martinsuo, M.1997 Organizational culture and organizational development: a case study in process industry
Järvenpää, E.; Eloranta, E.1997 Hyvinvointi ja kuormittuminen organisaatioissa
Järvenpää, E; Teikari, V.1997 Longitudinal studies of organizational change in administrative jobs
Järvenpää, E.1997 Professional duadic relationships in organisations a method for modeling and analysis
Nousiainen, M.; Järvenpää, E.1997 Communication and managerial behaviour in admisnistrative office.
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.1996 Research methods in managerial communication in organizations
Järvenpää, E.; Immonen, S.1996 Cross-cultural aspects in job stress and mangerial behavior
Järvenpää, E.; Immonen, S.1996 Stressitutkimus Helsingin käräjäoikeudessa: Työn ominaisuudet ja henkilöstön hyvinvointi
Järvenpää, E.1994 Cross-culatural comparison of job control and stress outcomes among American and Finnish computer users
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.; Lim, S-Y.1994 Effect of job control on the design of jobs and stress among computer users
Carayon, P.; Järvenpää, E.; Hajnal, C.1993 A cross-cultural framework for the study of stress among computer users: Comparison of the USA and Finland
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.; Hajnal, C.; Lim, S-Y; Yang, C-L.1993 Conference proceedingsProduction planning and control in Finnish manufacturing companies Current state and challenges
Järvenpää, E.; Lanz, M.; Tokola, Henri; Salonen, T.; Koho, M.2015 ISBN: 978-1-910864-00-5Requirements for Manufacturing Operations Management and Control Systems in a Dynamic Environment
Järvenpää, E.; Tokola, H.; Salonen, T.; Lanz, M.; Koho, M.; Tuokko, R.2014 Asiantuntija jää eläkkeelle: Kuinka organisaatio turvaa tiedon ja osaamisen säilymisen?
Mäki, Eerikki; Korhonen, Katri; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Pajala, Tommi; Järvenpää, Eila2011 Verkostot asiantuntijuuden kehittymisen tukena ydinvoima-alalla
Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Mäki, Eerikki; Pahkin, Krista; Järvenpää, Eila; Korhonen, Katri; Leppänen, Anneli2009 Knowledge sharing in interorganizational context
Mäki, Eerikki; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Järvenpää, Eila2009 ISBN: 978-951-38-7266-3ISSN: 1235-0605Expert work in a safety-critical environment
Pahkin, Krista; Leppänen, Anneli; Mäki, Eerikki; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Järvenpää, Eila2009 ISBN: 978-951-38-7266-3ISSN: 1235-0605The nature of expertise and HR functions supporting expertise in nuclear industry organizations
Rintala, Niina; Pahkin, K.; Leppänen, A.; Säämänen, K.; Järvenpää, Eila2007 Cultural differences in multinational team communication in an IT service organization
Soikkeli, Annamari; Hulkkonen, Juha; Järvenpää, Eila2007 Land Cover Change Analysis: Experiences and Challenges in Land Use Change Detection with CORINE Data in Geographic Information Facilities Supporting Access to Environmental Information.
Härmä, P.; Törmä, Markus; Järvenpää, E.2006 Knowledge acquisition model of SMES' new product development processes and the role of patent informatiom
Timonen, Hanna; Järvenpää, Eila2006 Information and communication technologies (ICT) and communication in virtual organizations
Järvenpää, Eila; Mäki, Eerikki; Ziegler, Kirsi2005 Production of CORINE2000 Land Cover Data Using Calibrated LANDSAT 7 ETM Satellite Image Mosaics and Digital Maps in Finland
Härmä, P.; Teiniranta, R.; Törmä, Markus; Repo, R.; Järvenpää, E.; Kallio, M.2004 Social capital and knowledge management of organizational network
Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2004 Social capital facilitating knowledge flow in university - company collaboration
Lahenius, Katja; Nummi, Juha; Järvenpää, Eila2004 Communication and knowledge sharing in a decentralized organization
Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila; Ziegler, Kirsi2004 The impacts of digitalization on job-descriptions, competencies and well-being
Helminen, Niina; Suolanen, Sanna; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2003 The lifecycle of competencies in media industry
Helminen, Niina; Suolanen, Sanna; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2003 Learning in software research and development work
Hämäläinen, Laura; Järvenpää, Eila2003 How knowledge is created in software R&D teams - applying the SECI-model to three case studies
Hämäläinen, Laura; Järvenpää, Eila2003 Sharing explicit knowledge within a network of newspaper's editorial offices
Lahenius, Katja; Järvenpää, Eila2003 Knowledge sharing and creation in knowledge community
Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila2003 Successful Management in multi-project environment
Dietrich, Perttu; Järvenpää, Eila; Karjalainen, Jouko; Artto, Karlos2002 Knowledge management and customer relationships management: management of customer feedback
Järvenpää, Eila; Mäki, Eerikki2002 Change management and innovations for managing change - user perceptions' of implementation of methods and tools for managing change in organizational business process
Korpi-Filppula, Marko; Rintala, Kaj; Järvenpää, Eila; Lehtonen, Päivi2002 Are we experts? - expertise and professionalism in journalist work
Lahenius, Katja; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2002 Managing a virtual team of newspaper journalists: A case study in newspaper editorial office
Lahenius, Katja; Järvenpää, Eila2002 Organizational networks: Collaboration between newspaper editorial offices
Lahenius, Katja; Järvenpää, Eila2002 Analyzing intraorganizational knowledge management
Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila; Hämäläinen, Laura2002 Knowledge sharing in networked organizations
Järvenpää, Eila; Mäki, Eerikki2001 Designing Organizations for Dynamic and Changing Conditions: Case Newspaper Business in Finland
Lahenius, Katja; Järvenpää, Eila; Giesecke, Stina2001 New Collaboration Forms in Media Industry: A Case Study of Story Exchange and Concurrent Narrating in Newspaper Network
Lahenius, Katja; Immonen, Stina; Järvenpää, Eila2001 Changes within media industry: impact of the work of journalists
Lahenius, Katja; Järvenpää, Eila2001 Managing knowledge processes in knowledge intensive work
Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila; Hämäläinen, Laura2001 Building knowledge sharing culture to promote knowledge creation
Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila2001 Interpersonal trust and knowledge intensive work
Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila2001 A case study approach to understanding and managing the influence of culture on Finnish project business
Riekkinen, Virpi; Teerikangas, Satu; Immonen, Stina; Järvenpää, Eila2001 Toward a theoretical framework on understanding and managing the impact of culture on international business encounters
Teerikangas, Satu; Riekkinen, Virpi; Immonen, Stina; Järvenpää, Eila2001 Toward a framework on cross-cultural management in internattional business
Teerikangas, Satu; Riekkinen, Virpi; Immonen, Stina; Järvenpää, Eila2001 The impact of culture in Finnish project business: case of a Sino-Finnish joint venture
Teerikangas, Satu; Riekkinen, Virpi; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2001 Managing knowledge in international DIB process - case airbus wing integration team
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.; Ylitalo, J.2000 Managing knowledge in international Ergonomics Association - Case Airbus wing integration team
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.; Ylitalo, J.2000 Leadership in networked companies: Challenges for managers
Järvenpää, E.; Immonen, S.1999 Enchancing Industrial Core Competencies: Industry University Collaboration Education
Takala, M.; Ranta, J.; Järvenpää, E.1998 Supply Chain Management at a University of Music
Takala, M.; Järvenpää, E.1998 Inter-university cooperation for organizational diagnosis and consulting
De Witte, K.; Järvenpää, E.; Trädgårdh, B.; Skogstad, A.; Correia, J.; Swinnen, M.1997 Observations, diaries and communication networks revealing the true nature of managers' jobs
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.1997 A cross-cultural framework for job and organizational design
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.1997 Dyadic relationships analysis: a method for the analysis of professional relationships and interaction
Nousiainen, M.; Järvenpää, E.1997 Horizontal and vertical information flow in a functional organization in process industry
Seppänen, L.; Järvenpää, E.; Virtaharju, J.1997 Communication networks, job characteristics and job control. A case study.
Seppänen, L.; Virtaharju, J.; Järvenpää, E.1997 The Effects of change on communication networks in an expert organization
Virtaharju, J.; Järvenpää, E.; Seppänen, L.1997 Communication networks in organization analysis.A case study
Virtaharju, J.; Seppänen, L.; Järvenpää, E.1997 Communication and Managerial Behavior in an Administration Office
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.1996 Vuorovaikutuksen tutkiminen johtamisessa
Järvenpää, E.; Immonen, S.1996 Job control and strain in office works
Gard, G.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Job control and job stress in expert jobs: Comparisons of male and female journalists and judges
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Job design and job stress among female and male experts: comparisons of journalists and judges
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Organizational change in a governmental office: implications for the evaluation of the effects of change
Järvenpää, E.1995 Job stress and social support in expert jobs: a comparison of male and female journalists and judges
Järvenpää, E.; Immonen, S.1995 Organizational change and job stress in a governmental office
Järvenpää, E.1995 Job control and strain in different working cultures
Järvenpää, E.1995 Organizational structure, communication and professional relatioships: Developemtn and validation of measurement methods.
Järvenpää, E.; Nousiainen, M.1995 Effects of imaging technology on job design
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.1994 Cross-cultural comparison of the effects of job stress amoung American and Finnish Workers
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.1994 Psychosocial effects of information technology: Challenges for the research and job design in the 1990s.
Järvenpää, E.1993 The development of office works and industrial works in the USA and in Finland
Järvenpää, E.; Pulkkis, Anneli1993 The relation of skill variety and stress among white-collar workers: Is too much skill variety stressful?
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.1992 Chronic effect of job control, work pressure and supervisor social support on stress among office workers
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.1992 Publications intended for professional communities
Article in professional journalInformation Efficiency of Communication Processes 1999-2002
Oittinen, Pirkko; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2002 in GRAPHIC ARTS IN FINLAND (Työministeriö)Toimistotyö eri työkulttuureissa: eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä
Järvenpää, E.1996 in TYÖELÄMÄN TUTKIMUS (Työministeriö)Article in professional conference proceedingsSafety culture What is it in practuce
Pahkin, Krista; Leppänen, Anneli; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila2011 Published development or research reportAsiantuntija jää eläkkeelle asiantuntijuus ei!Opas tiedon ja osaamisen säilyttämiseksi
Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila2012 Development of a survey for evaluating expert work in safety critical organizations
Pahkin, Krista; Leppänen, Anneli; Mäki, Eerikki; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Järvenpää, Eila2010 Improvement of expertise in nuclear industry organizations
Pakhin, Krista; Leppänen, Anneli; Mäki, Eerikki; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Järvenpää, Eila2009 Hiljaisen tiedon säilyttäminen ja jakaminen ydinvoimalaitoksessa
Kuronen, Tanja; Säämänen, Katri; Järvenpää, Eila; Rintala, Niina2007 CLC2000 Finland - Final Report
Härmä, P.; Teiniranta, R.; Törmä, M.; Repo, R.; Järvenpää, E.; Kallio, M.2005 Pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten tuotekehityksen tietovirtamallit ja patentti-informaation käyttö
Timonen, Hanna; Järvenpää, Eila; Tuomi, Jukka; Waris, Mika2005 The Production of Finnish Corine Land Cover 2000 Classification
Törmä, Markus; Härmä, P.; Teiniranta, R.; Repo, R.; Järvenpää, E.; Kallio, E.2004 Tietointensiivisten organisaatioiden dynamiikka: tietotyö, johtaminen ja organisaatioiden verkostot
Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2003 Viestintäprosessien informaatiotekninen tehokkuus 1999-2002
Oittinen, Pirkko; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2002 Kompetenssien elinkaari - digitalisoinnin vaikutukset henkilöstön ammattikuviin, osaamisvaatimuksiin, hyvinvointiin ja tasa-arvoon
Suolanen, Sanna; Helminen, Niina; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina; Rahko, Minna2002 Sanomalehtien uutistoimitusten toimintaprosessin kuvaaminen
Lahenius, Katja; Muukka, H.; Akkanen, M.; Hopiavaara, R.; Immonen, Stina; Järvenpää, Eila; Oittinen, P.2001 Information and communication technology driven business transformation - A call for research
Keil, T.; Eloranta, E.; Holmström, J.; Järvenpää, E.; Takala, M.; Autio, E.; Hawk, D.1999 Corporate networks: emerging strategies of doing business
Järvenpää, E.; Ranta, J.1998 Development and Challenges of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Martinsuo, M.; Järvenpää, E.1998 Organizational factors, job stress and coping with high workload
Järvenpää, E.; Gard, G.1996 HUT Industrial Management and Work and Organzational Psychology, Teaching material No1
Järvenpää, E.; Kosonen, K.1996 Cross-cultural Aspects in Job Stress and Managerial Behavior
Järvenpää, E.; Immonen, S.1996 Job control and worker strain among office works.A cross-cultural comparison
Gard, G.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Cross-cultural comparisons of job control and stress outcomes among Swedish and Finnish computer users
Gard, G.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Psyykku for Windows -ohjelman käsikirja
Henrichson, M.; Nieminen, M.; Vartiainen, M.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Physical working conditions and health status at Wisdot. Results of a study of computer users
Carayon, P.; Järvenpää, E.; Hajnal, C.Lim; Yang, C.1994 Cross-cultural issues in measurement of mental strain in work settings
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.; Gard, G.1994 Lyhytkestoisen psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden tutkiminen työpaikalla - ohjeita BMS- ja EZ-menetelmien käyttäjälle
Kostama, H.; Järvenpää, E.; Teikari, Veikko1992 Text book or professional handbook or guidebook or dictionaryLaadukkaan mittamisen perusteet, MIKES julkaisu J4/2011, Metrologian neuvottelukunta ja Mittatekniikan keskus MIKES,
Hiltunen, E; Linko, L; Hemminki, S; Hägg, M; Järvenpää, E; Saarinen, P; Simonen, S; Kärhä, P2011 ISBN: 978-952-5610-75-8Avaimia asiantuntijuuteen - opaskirja ydinvoima-alan organisaatioissa työskenteleville asiantuntijoille ja heidän esimiehilleen.
Pahkin, Krista; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Mäki, Eerikki; Leppänen, Anneli; Järvenpää, Eila2010
Asiantuntijuuden kehittyminen ydinvoima-alalla
Managing a virtual team of newspaper journalists: a case study
Le sfide del management inteculturale
Information and communication technology driven business transformation - a call for research
Implementation of office automation and its effects on job characteristics and strain in a district court
Action research in the laboratory of industrial psychology
Työn lyhytaikainen psyykkinen kuormittavuus
Tuomiokunnan tuomareiden työn psyykkinen kuormittavuus
Tietojärjestelmien käyttöönotto ja koulutus - kokemuksia Vantaan tuomiokunnasta
ICT Tools and Transform in Work: From Computer Supported Work to Knowledge Work
Cultural differences in multinational team communication in an IT service organisation
The impacts of information technology on the stock and flow of a firm's intellectual capital
Kaukokartoitukseen perustuvan muutostulkinnan tulokset
Kaukokartoitukseen perustuva analyysi
Collaboration in organizational networks
Organisaatiot ja johtaminen
SME collaboration with universities and polytechnics - a potential for company growth through human capital development
Knowledge sharing and intellectual capital in organizational work
Cross-cultural factors in macroergonomics
Competence needs in software industry
Quality of working life and information and communication technologies
Information society and competencies: challenges for higher educational systems and companies
Organizational culture and organizational development
Information and communication technologies (ICT) and quality of working life: implications for competencies and well-being
Building Network Organizations - Implications for Organizational Culture and Leadership
Methods and Tools in Developing Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Long-term customer relations in a project company - the role of customer feedback systems
Company networks an introduction
Networks in non-profit organizations: a case study about museum networks
Quality of working life in knowledge and information work: Implications for information society
Verkostojen johtaminen ja hallinta
Industry-university co-operation in Ph.D.Education
Työpsykologian tutkimusmenetelmät
The fit between national and organizational cultures from the employee point of view
Measurement of organizational culture in different cultural contexts
Organizational culture and organizational development: a case study in process industry
Hyvinvointi ja kuormittuminen organisaatioissa
Longitudinal studies of organizational change in administrative jobs
Professional duadic relationships in organisations a method for modeling and analysis
Communication and managerial behaviour in admisnistrative office.
Research methods in managerial communication in organizations
Cross-cultural aspects in job stress and mangerial behavior
Stressitutkimus Helsingin käräjäoikeudessa: Työn ominaisuudet ja henkilöstön hyvinvointi
Cross-culatural comparison of job control and stress outcomes among American and Finnish computer users
Effect of job control on the design of jobs and stress among computer users
A cross-cultural framework for the study of stress among computer users: Comparison of the USA and Finland
Conference proceedingsProduction planning and control in Finnish manufacturing companies Current state and challenges
Järvenpää, E.; Lanz, M.; Tokola, Henri; Salonen, T.; Koho, M.2015 ISBN: 978-1-910864-00-5Requirements for Manufacturing Operations Management and Control Systems in a Dynamic Environment
Järvenpää, E.; Tokola, H.; Salonen, T.; Lanz, M.; Koho, M.; Tuokko, R.2014 Asiantuntija jää eläkkeelle: Kuinka organisaatio turvaa tiedon ja osaamisen säilymisen?
Mäki, Eerikki; Korhonen, Katri; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Pajala, Tommi; Järvenpää, Eila2011 Verkostot asiantuntijuuden kehittymisen tukena ydinvoima-alalla
Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Mäki, Eerikki; Pahkin, Krista; Järvenpää, Eila; Korhonen, Katri; Leppänen, Anneli2009 Knowledge sharing in interorganizational context
Mäki, Eerikki; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Järvenpää, Eila2009 ISBN: 978-951-38-7266-3ISSN: 1235-0605Expert work in a safety-critical environment
Pahkin, Krista; Leppänen, Anneli; Mäki, Eerikki; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Järvenpää, Eila2009 ISBN: 978-951-38-7266-3ISSN: 1235-0605The nature of expertise and HR functions supporting expertise in nuclear industry organizations
Rintala, Niina; Pahkin, K.; Leppänen, A.; Säämänen, K.; Järvenpää, Eila2007 Cultural differences in multinational team communication in an IT service organization
Soikkeli, Annamari; Hulkkonen, Juha; Järvenpää, Eila2007 Land Cover Change Analysis: Experiences and Challenges in Land Use Change Detection with CORINE Data in Geographic Information Facilities Supporting Access to Environmental Information.
Härmä, P.; Törmä, Markus; Järvenpää, E.2006 Knowledge acquisition model of SMES' new product development processes and the role of patent informatiom
Timonen, Hanna; Järvenpää, Eila2006 Information and communication technologies (ICT) and communication in virtual organizations
Järvenpää, Eila; Mäki, Eerikki; Ziegler, Kirsi2005 Production of CORINE2000 Land Cover Data Using Calibrated LANDSAT 7 ETM Satellite Image Mosaics and Digital Maps in Finland
Härmä, P.; Teiniranta, R.; Törmä, Markus; Repo, R.; Järvenpää, E.; Kallio, M.2004 Social capital and knowledge management of organizational network
Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2004 Social capital facilitating knowledge flow in university - company collaboration
Lahenius, Katja; Nummi, Juha; Järvenpää, Eila2004 Communication and knowledge sharing in a decentralized organization
Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila; Ziegler, Kirsi2004 The impacts of digitalization on job-descriptions, competencies and well-being
Helminen, Niina; Suolanen, Sanna; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2003 The lifecycle of competencies in media industry
Helminen, Niina; Suolanen, Sanna; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2003 Learning in software research and development work
Hämäläinen, Laura; Järvenpää, Eila2003 How knowledge is created in software R&D teams - applying the SECI-model to three case studies
Hämäläinen, Laura; Järvenpää, Eila2003 Sharing explicit knowledge within a network of newspaper's editorial offices
Lahenius, Katja; Järvenpää, Eila2003 Knowledge sharing and creation in knowledge community
Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila2003 Successful Management in multi-project environment
Dietrich, Perttu; Järvenpää, Eila; Karjalainen, Jouko; Artto, Karlos2002 Knowledge management and customer relationships management: management of customer feedback
Järvenpää, Eila; Mäki, Eerikki2002 Change management and innovations for managing change - user perceptions' of implementation of methods and tools for managing change in organizational business process
Korpi-Filppula, Marko; Rintala, Kaj; Järvenpää, Eila; Lehtonen, Päivi2002 Are we experts? - expertise and professionalism in journalist work
Lahenius, Katja; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2002 Managing a virtual team of newspaper journalists: A case study in newspaper editorial office
Lahenius, Katja; Järvenpää, Eila2002 Organizational networks: Collaboration between newspaper editorial offices
Lahenius, Katja; Järvenpää, Eila2002 Analyzing intraorganizational knowledge management
Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila; Hämäläinen, Laura2002 Knowledge sharing in networked organizations
Järvenpää, Eila; Mäki, Eerikki2001 Designing Organizations for Dynamic and Changing Conditions: Case Newspaper Business in Finland
Lahenius, Katja; Järvenpää, Eila; Giesecke, Stina2001 New Collaboration Forms in Media Industry: A Case Study of Story Exchange and Concurrent Narrating in Newspaper Network
Lahenius, Katja; Immonen, Stina; Järvenpää, Eila2001 Changes within media industry: impact of the work of journalists
Lahenius, Katja; Järvenpää, Eila2001 Managing knowledge processes in knowledge intensive work
Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila; Hämäläinen, Laura2001 Building knowledge sharing culture to promote knowledge creation
Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila2001 Interpersonal trust and knowledge intensive work
Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila2001 A case study approach to understanding and managing the influence of culture on Finnish project business
Riekkinen, Virpi; Teerikangas, Satu; Immonen, Stina; Järvenpää, Eila2001 Toward a theoretical framework on understanding and managing the impact of culture on international business encounters
Teerikangas, Satu; Riekkinen, Virpi; Immonen, Stina; Järvenpää, Eila2001 Toward a framework on cross-cultural management in internattional business
Teerikangas, Satu; Riekkinen, Virpi; Immonen, Stina; Järvenpää, Eila2001 The impact of culture in Finnish project business: case of a Sino-Finnish joint venture
Teerikangas, Satu; Riekkinen, Virpi; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2001 Managing knowledge in international DIB process - case airbus wing integration team
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.; Ylitalo, J.2000 Managing knowledge in international Ergonomics Association - Case Airbus wing integration team
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.; Ylitalo, J.2000 Leadership in networked companies: Challenges for managers
Järvenpää, E.; Immonen, S.1999 Enchancing Industrial Core Competencies: Industry University Collaboration Education
Takala, M.; Ranta, J.; Järvenpää, E.1998 Supply Chain Management at a University of Music
Takala, M.; Järvenpää, E.1998 Inter-university cooperation for organizational diagnosis and consulting
De Witte, K.; Järvenpää, E.; Trädgårdh, B.; Skogstad, A.; Correia, J.; Swinnen, M.1997 Observations, diaries and communication networks revealing the true nature of managers' jobs
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.1997 A cross-cultural framework for job and organizational design
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.1997 Dyadic relationships analysis: a method for the analysis of professional relationships and interaction
Nousiainen, M.; Järvenpää, E.1997 Horizontal and vertical information flow in a functional organization in process industry
Seppänen, L.; Järvenpää, E.; Virtaharju, J.1997 Communication networks, job characteristics and job control. A case study.
Seppänen, L.; Virtaharju, J.; Järvenpää, E.1997 The Effects of change on communication networks in an expert organization
Virtaharju, J.; Järvenpää, E.; Seppänen, L.1997 Communication networks in organization analysis.A case study
Virtaharju, J.; Seppänen, L.; Järvenpää, E.1997 Communication and Managerial Behavior in an Administration Office
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.1996 Vuorovaikutuksen tutkiminen johtamisessa
Järvenpää, E.; Immonen, S.1996 Job control and strain in office works
Gard, G.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Job control and job stress in expert jobs: Comparisons of male and female journalists and judges
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Job design and job stress among female and male experts: comparisons of journalists and judges
Immonen, S.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Organizational change in a governmental office: implications for the evaluation of the effects of change
Järvenpää, E.1995 Job stress and social support in expert jobs: a comparison of male and female journalists and judges
Järvenpää, E.; Immonen, S.1995 Organizational change and job stress in a governmental office
Järvenpää, E.1995 Job control and strain in different working cultures
Järvenpää, E.1995 Organizational structure, communication and professional relatioships: Developemtn and validation of measurement methods.
Järvenpää, E.; Nousiainen, M.1995 Effects of imaging technology on job design
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.1994 Cross-cultural comparison of the effects of job stress amoung American and Finnish Workers
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.1994 Psychosocial effects of information technology: Challenges for the research and job design in the 1990s.
Järvenpää, E.1993 The development of office works and industrial works in the USA and in Finland
Järvenpää, E.; Pulkkis, Anneli1993 The relation of skill variety and stress among white-collar workers: Is too much skill variety stressful?
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.1992 Chronic effect of job control, work pressure and supervisor social support on stress among office workers
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.1992 Publications intended for professional communities
Article in professional journalInformation Efficiency of Communication Processes 1999-2002
Oittinen, Pirkko; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2002 in GRAPHIC ARTS IN FINLAND (Työministeriö)Toimistotyö eri työkulttuureissa: eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä
Järvenpää, E.1996 in TYÖELÄMÄN TUTKIMUS (Työministeriö)Article in professional conference proceedingsSafety culture What is it in practuce
Pahkin, Krista; Leppänen, Anneli; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila2011 Published development or research reportAsiantuntija jää eläkkeelle asiantuntijuus ei!Opas tiedon ja osaamisen säilyttämiseksi
Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila2012 Development of a survey for evaluating expert work in safety critical organizations
Pahkin, Krista; Leppänen, Anneli; Mäki, Eerikki; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Järvenpää, Eila2010 Improvement of expertise in nuclear industry organizations
Pakhin, Krista; Leppänen, Anneli; Mäki, Eerikki; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Järvenpää, Eila2009 Hiljaisen tiedon säilyttäminen ja jakaminen ydinvoimalaitoksessa
Kuronen, Tanja; Säämänen, Katri; Järvenpää, Eila; Rintala, Niina2007 CLC2000 Finland - Final Report
Härmä, P.; Teiniranta, R.; Törmä, M.; Repo, R.; Järvenpää, E.; Kallio, M.2005 Pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten tuotekehityksen tietovirtamallit ja patentti-informaation käyttö
Timonen, Hanna; Järvenpää, Eila; Tuomi, Jukka; Waris, Mika2005 The Production of Finnish Corine Land Cover 2000 Classification
Törmä, Markus; Härmä, P.; Teiniranta, R.; Repo, R.; Järvenpää, E.; Kallio, E.2004 Tietointensiivisten organisaatioiden dynamiikka: tietotyö, johtaminen ja organisaatioiden verkostot
Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2003 Viestintäprosessien informaatiotekninen tehokkuus 1999-2002
Oittinen, Pirkko; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2002 Kompetenssien elinkaari - digitalisoinnin vaikutukset henkilöstön ammattikuviin, osaamisvaatimuksiin, hyvinvointiin ja tasa-arvoon
Suolanen, Sanna; Helminen, Niina; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina; Rahko, Minna2002 Sanomalehtien uutistoimitusten toimintaprosessin kuvaaminen
Lahenius, Katja; Muukka, H.; Akkanen, M.; Hopiavaara, R.; Immonen, Stina; Järvenpää, Eila; Oittinen, P.2001 Information and communication technology driven business transformation - A call for research
Keil, T.; Eloranta, E.; Holmström, J.; Järvenpää, E.; Takala, M.; Autio, E.; Hawk, D.1999 Corporate networks: emerging strategies of doing business
Järvenpää, E.; Ranta, J.1998 Development and Challenges of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Martinsuo, M.; Järvenpää, E.1998 Organizational factors, job stress and coping with high workload
Järvenpää, E.; Gard, G.1996 HUT Industrial Management and Work and Organzational Psychology, Teaching material No1
Järvenpää, E.; Kosonen, K.1996 Cross-cultural Aspects in Job Stress and Managerial Behavior
Järvenpää, E.; Immonen, S.1996 Job control and worker strain among office works.A cross-cultural comparison
Gard, G.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Cross-cultural comparisons of job control and stress outcomes among Swedish and Finnish computer users
Gard, G.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Psyykku for Windows -ohjelman käsikirja
Henrichson, M.; Nieminen, M.; Vartiainen, M.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Physical working conditions and health status at Wisdot. Results of a study of computer users
Carayon, P.; Järvenpää, E.; Hajnal, C.Lim; Yang, C.1994 Cross-cultural issues in measurement of mental strain in work settings
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.; Gard, G.1994 Lyhytkestoisen psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden tutkiminen työpaikalla - ohjeita BMS- ja EZ-menetelmien käyttäjälle
Kostama, H.; Järvenpää, E.; Teikari, Veikko1992 Text book or professional handbook or guidebook or dictionaryLaadukkaan mittamisen perusteet, MIKES julkaisu J4/2011, Metrologian neuvottelukunta ja Mittatekniikan keskus MIKES,
Hiltunen, E; Linko, L; Hemminki, S; Hägg, M; Järvenpää, E; Saarinen, P; Simonen, S; Kärhä, P2011 ISBN: 978-952-5610-75-8Avaimia asiantuntijuuteen - opaskirja ydinvoima-alan organisaatioissa työskenteleville asiantuntijoille ja heidän esimiehilleen.
Pahkin, Krista; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Mäki, Eerikki; Leppänen, Anneli; Järvenpää, Eila2010
Production planning and control in Finnish manufacturing companies Current state and challenges
Requirements for Manufacturing Operations Management and Control Systems in a Dynamic Environment
Asiantuntija jää eläkkeelle: Kuinka organisaatio turvaa tiedon ja osaamisen säilymisen?
Verkostot asiantuntijuuden kehittymisen tukena ydinvoima-alalla
Knowledge sharing in interorganizational context
Expert work in a safety-critical environment
The nature of expertise and HR functions supporting expertise in nuclear industry organizations
Cultural differences in multinational team communication in an IT service organization
Land Cover Change Analysis: Experiences and Challenges in Land Use Change Detection with CORINE Data in Geographic Information Facilities Supporting Access to Environmental Information.
Knowledge acquisition model of SMES' new product development processes and the role of patent informatiom
Information and communication technologies (ICT) and communication in virtual organizations
Production of CORINE2000 Land Cover Data Using Calibrated LANDSAT 7 ETM Satellite Image Mosaics and Digital Maps in Finland
Social capital and knowledge management of organizational network
Social capital facilitating knowledge flow in university - company collaboration
Communication and knowledge sharing in a decentralized organization
The impacts of digitalization on job-descriptions, competencies and well-being
The lifecycle of competencies in media industry
Learning in software research and development work
How knowledge is created in software R&D teams - applying the SECI-model to three case studies
Sharing explicit knowledge within a network of newspaper's editorial offices
Knowledge sharing and creation in knowledge community
Successful Management in multi-project environment
Knowledge management and customer relationships management: management of customer feedback
Change management and innovations for managing change - user perceptions' of implementation of methods and tools for managing change in organizational business process
Are we experts? - expertise and professionalism in journalist work
Managing a virtual team of newspaper journalists: A case study in newspaper editorial office
Organizational networks: Collaboration between newspaper editorial offices
Analyzing intraorganizational knowledge management
Knowledge sharing in networked organizations
Designing Organizations for Dynamic and Changing Conditions: Case Newspaper Business in Finland
New Collaboration Forms in Media Industry: A Case Study of Story Exchange and Concurrent Narrating in Newspaper Network
Changes within media industry: impact of the work of journalists
Managing knowledge processes in knowledge intensive work
Building knowledge sharing culture to promote knowledge creation
Interpersonal trust and knowledge intensive work
A case study approach to understanding and managing the influence of culture on Finnish project business
Toward a theoretical framework on understanding and managing the impact of culture on international business encounters
Toward a framework on cross-cultural management in internattional business
The impact of culture in Finnish project business: case of a Sino-Finnish joint venture
Managing knowledge in international DIB process - case airbus wing integration team
Managing knowledge in international Ergonomics Association - Case Airbus wing integration team
Leadership in networked companies: Challenges for managers
Enchancing Industrial Core Competencies: Industry University Collaboration Education
Supply Chain Management at a University of Music
Inter-university cooperation for organizational diagnosis and consulting
Observations, diaries and communication networks revealing the true nature of managers' jobs
A cross-cultural framework for job and organizational design
Dyadic relationships analysis: a method for the analysis of professional relationships and interaction
Horizontal and vertical information flow in a functional organization in process industry
Communication networks, job characteristics and job control. A case study.
The Effects of change on communication networks in an expert organization
Communication networks in organization analysis.A case study
Communication and Managerial Behavior in an Administration Office
Vuorovaikutuksen tutkiminen johtamisessa
Job control and strain in office works
Job control and job stress in expert jobs: Comparisons of male and female journalists and judges
Job design and job stress among female and male experts: comparisons of journalists and judges
Organizational change in a governmental office: implications for the evaluation of the effects of change
Job stress and social support in expert jobs: a comparison of male and female journalists and judges
Organizational change and job stress in a governmental office
Job control and strain in different working cultures
Organizational structure, communication and professional relatioships: Developemtn and validation of measurement methods.
Effects of imaging technology on job design
Cross-cultural comparison of the effects of job stress amoung American and Finnish Workers
Psychosocial effects of information technology: Challenges for the research and job design in the 1990s.
The development of office works and industrial works in the USA and in Finland
The relation of skill variety and stress among white-collar workers: Is too much skill variety stressful?
Chronic effect of job control, work pressure and supervisor social support on stress among office workers
Information Efficiency of Communication Processes 1999-2002
Toimistotyö eri työkulttuureissa: eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä
Article in professional conference proceedingsSafety culture What is it in practuce
Pahkin, Krista; Leppänen, Anneli; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila2011 Published development or research reportAsiantuntija jää eläkkeelle asiantuntijuus ei!Opas tiedon ja osaamisen säilyttämiseksi
Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Mäki, Eerikki; Järvenpää, Eila2012 Development of a survey for evaluating expert work in safety critical organizations
Pahkin, Krista; Leppänen, Anneli; Mäki, Eerikki; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Järvenpää, Eila2010 Improvement of expertise in nuclear industry organizations
Pakhin, Krista; Leppänen, Anneli; Mäki, Eerikki; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Järvenpää, Eila2009 Hiljaisen tiedon säilyttäminen ja jakaminen ydinvoimalaitoksessa
Kuronen, Tanja; Säämänen, Katri; Järvenpää, Eila; Rintala, Niina2007 CLC2000 Finland - Final Report
Härmä, P.; Teiniranta, R.; Törmä, M.; Repo, R.; Järvenpää, E.; Kallio, M.2005 Pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten tuotekehityksen tietovirtamallit ja patentti-informaation käyttö
Timonen, Hanna; Järvenpää, Eila; Tuomi, Jukka; Waris, Mika2005 The Production of Finnish Corine Land Cover 2000 Classification
Törmä, Markus; Härmä, P.; Teiniranta, R.; Repo, R.; Järvenpää, E.; Kallio, E.2004 Tietointensiivisten organisaatioiden dynamiikka: tietotyö, johtaminen ja organisaatioiden verkostot
Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2003 Viestintäprosessien informaatiotekninen tehokkuus 1999-2002
Oittinen, Pirkko; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina2002 Kompetenssien elinkaari - digitalisoinnin vaikutukset henkilöstön ammattikuviin, osaamisvaatimuksiin, hyvinvointiin ja tasa-arvoon
Suolanen, Sanna; Helminen, Niina; Järvenpää, Eila; Immonen, Stina; Rahko, Minna2002 Sanomalehtien uutistoimitusten toimintaprosessin kuvaaminen
Lahenius, Katja; Muukka, H.; Akkanen, M.; Hopiavaara, R.; Immonen, Stina; Järvenpää, Eila; Oittinen, P.2001 Information and communication technology driven business transformation - A call for research
Keil, T.; Eloranta, E.; Holmström, J.; Järvenpää, E.; Takala, M.; Autio, E.; Hawk, D.1999 Corporate networks: emerging strategies of doing business
Järvenpää, E.; Ranta, J.1998 Development and Challenges of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Martinsuo, M.; Järvenpää, E.1998 Organizational factors, job stress and coping with high workload
Järvenpää, E.; Gard, G.1996 HUT Industrial Management and Work and Organzational Psychology, Teaching material No1
Järvenpää, E.; Kosonen, K.1996 Cross-cultural Aspects in Job Stress and Managerial Behavior
Järvenpää, E.; Immonen, S.1996 Job control and worker strain among office works.A cross-cultural comparison
Gard, G.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Cross-cultural comparisons of job control and stress outcomes among Swedish and Finnish computer users
Gard, G.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Psyykku for Windows -ohjelman käsikirja
Henrichson, M.; Nieminen, M.; Vartiainen, M.; Järvenpää, E.1995 Physical working conditions and health status at Wisdot. Results of a study of computer users
Carayon, P.; Järvenpää, E.; Hajnal, C.Lim; Yang, C.1994 Cross-cultural issues in measurement of mental strain in work settings
Järvenpää, E.; Carayon, P.; Gard, G.1994 Lyhytkestoisen psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden tutkiminen työpaikalla - ohjeita BMS- ja EZ-menetelmien käyttäjälle
Kostama, H.; Järvenpää, E.; Teikari, Veikko1992 Text book or professional handbook or guidebook or dictionaryLaadukkaan mittamisen perusteet, MIKES julkaisu J4/2011, Metrologian neuvottelukunta ja Mittatekniikan keskus MIKES,
Hiltunen, E; Linko, L; Hemminki, S; Hägg, M; Järvenpää, E; Saarinen, P; Simonen, S; Kärhä, P2011 ISBN: 978-952-5610-75-8Avaimia asiantuntijuuteen - opaskirja ydinvoima-alan organisaatioissa työskenteleville asiantuntijoille ja heidän esimiehilleen.
Pahkin, Krista; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Mäki, Eerikki; Leppänen, Anneli; Järvenpää, Eila2010
Safety culture What is it in practuce
Asiantuntija jää eläkkeelle asiantuntijuus ei!Opas tiedon ja osaamisen säilyttämiseksi
Development of a survey for evaluating expert work in safety critical organizations
Improvement of expertise in nuclear industry organizations
Hiljaisen tiedon säilyttäminen ja jakaminen ydinvoimalaitoksessa
CLC2000 Finland - Final Report
Pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten tuotekehityksen tietovirtamallit ja patentti-informaation käyttö
The Production of Finnish Corine Land Cover 2000 Classification
Tietointensiivisten organisaatioiden dynamiikka: tietotyö, johtaminen ja organisaatioiden verkostot
Viestintäprosessien informaatiotekninen tehokkuus 1999-2002
Kompetenssien elinkaari - digitalisoinnin vaikutukset henkilöstön ammattikuviin, osaamisvaatimuksiin, hyvinvointiin ja tasa-arvoon
Sanomalehtien uutistoimitusten toimintaprosessin kuvaaminen
Information and communication technology driven business transformation - A call for research
Corporate networks: emerging strategies of doing business
Development and Challenges of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Organizational factors, job stress and coping with high workload
HUT Industrial Management and Work and Organzational Psychology, Teaching material No1
Cross-cultural Aspects in Job Stress and Managerial Behavior
Job control and worker strain among office works.A cross-cultural comparison
Cross-cultural comparisons of job control and stress outcomes among Swedish and Finnish computer users
Psyykku for Windows -ohjelman käsikirja
Physical working conditions and health status at Wisdot. Results of a study of computer users
Cross-cultural issues in measurement of mental strain in work settings
Lyhytkestoisen psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden tutkiminen työpaikalla - ohjeita BMS- ja EZ-menetelmien käyttäjälle
Text book or professional handbook or guidebook or dictionaryLaadukkaan mittamisen perusteet, MIKES julkaisu J4/2011, Metrologian neuvottelukunta ja Mittatekniikan keskus MIKES,
Hiltunen, E; Linko, L; Hemminki, S; Hägg, M; Järvenpää, E; Saarinen, P; Simonen, S; Kärhä, P2011 ISBN: 978-952-5610-75-8Avaimia asiantuntijuuteen - opaskirja ydinvoima-alan organisaatioissa työskenteleville asiantuntijoille ja heidän esimiehilleen.
Pahkin, Krista; Kuronen-Mattila, Tanja; Mäki, Eerikki; Leppänen, Anneli; Järvenpää, Eila2010
Laadukkaan mittamisen perusteet, MIKES julkaisu J4/2011, Metrologian neuvottelukunta ja Mittatekniikan keskus MIKES,
Avaimia asiantuntijuuteen - opaskirja ydinvoima-alan organisaatioissa työskenteleville asiantuntijoille ja heidän esimiehilleen.
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