Eugenia Muñoz

Business Spanish Teacher




  • Postgraduate Teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language Universitat de Barcelona (1994 — 1995)
  • Pedagogical Adaptation Course (C.A.P.) at the Institute of Education Sciences Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1993 — 1993)
  • Degree in Hispanic Philology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


  • Co-author Edelsa grupo Didascalia (2019)
  • ELE teacher for the MBA, BBA and MsC program Esade (2013)
  • ELE teacher for ESADE programs and managers of multinational companies Learnlight (2013)
  • Collaborator in the creation of ELE materials SGEL ELE, editorial líder en la publicación de materiales para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de ELE (2012)
  • Business Spanish Teacher IESE Business School (2002)
  • Spanish teacher Autónoma - Freelance (1996 — 2017)
  • Spanish Teacher for Specific Purposes Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (2013 — 2014)
  • Business Spanish and General Spanish teacher trainer Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (2011 — 2014)
  • Spanish teacher BCEA Barcelona Center for Educational Abroad (2007 — 2008)


  • Translation
  • Foreign languages
  • Spanish


Teaching, Language teaching

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