Eun-Suk Lee

Associate Professor at KAIST College of Business


  • KAIST College of Business



KAIST College of Business


  • MIT Sloan School of Management, Ph.D. in Management, 2011.
  • Seoul National University, M.S. in Management, 2005.
  • Seoul National University, B.A. in Economics, 2003.



  • Associate Professor, KAIST College of Business, 2019-
  • Assistant Professor, KAIST College of Business, 2011-2019.
  • Visiting Scholar, Vanderbilt University, 2015-2016.

*Awards and Scholarships *

  • Award for Excellence in Education, KAIST College of Business, 2019.
  • Best Paper Award, Korean Association of Human Resource Development, 2019.
  • Winner of the 2018 Best Paper Competition, LERA/ILR Review Special Series in Employment Relations.
  • 4th Place Award at the 6th Boston International Piano Competition, 2011.
  • Award for Best Performance of Modern Work at the 6th Boston International Piano Competition, 2011.
  • Ragnar and Margaret Naess Award for Exceptional Talent and Commitment to Piano Performance, Music and Theater Arts, MIT, 2010-2011.
  • Best Paper Proceedings, Awarded by the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management, 2010.
  • Research & Teaching Assistantship, MIT Sloan School of Management, 2005-2011.
  • Emerson Music Scholarship, Music and Theater Arts, MIT, 2008-2011.
  • Samsung Scholarship, 2005-2009.

Publications & Research

*Publications *

  • Lee, H., Lee, E., & Kang, S. (2019). The effect of forced overtime work on job attitude: The mediation effect of psychological contract violation (in Korean). Korean Journal of Human Resource Development, 22, 131-153.
  • Park, T., Lee, E., & Budd, J. W. (2019). What do unions do for mothers? Paid maternity leave use and the multifaceted roles of labor unions. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 72, 662-692.
  • Lee, E., Park, T., & Paik, Y. (2019). Does shared group identification lead to group creativity? Group regulatory focus as a moderator. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49, 117-129.
  • Sim, Y., & Lee, E. (2018). Perceived underqualification and job attitudes: The role of transformational leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 39, 962-974.
  • Lee, E., Park, T., & Koo, B. (2015). Identifying organizational identification as a basis for attitudes and behaviors: A meta-analytic review. Psychological Bulletin, 141, 1049-1080.
  • Lee, E., Chang, J., & Kim, H. (2011). The work-family interface in Korea: Can family life enrich work life? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22, 2032-2053.
  • Lee, E. (2010). Identification through socialization: Evidence from a Korean company's newcomer training program. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
  • Lee, E., & Kim, S. (2006). Best practices and performance-based HR system in Korea. Seoul Journal of Business, 12, 3-17.

Research Areas

  • Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management
  • Identity and Identification in Organizations, Leadership, Work-Family Balance

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