Frikk Nesje

Assistant professor (tenure track), Department of Economics at University of Copenhagen


I am an Assistant professor (on a tenure-track) in the Department of Economics at the University of Copenhagen. I am also a member of the Centre for Sustainability and Society. My research and teaching interests are primarily within resource and environmental economics. I am also interested in welfare economics and game theory.

I hold a PhD in economics from the University of Oslo and was previously Research fellow at Heidelberg University. For my PhD dissertation, I received H.M. The King’s Gold Medal and the Best Dissertation Award from the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.

I have published in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists and Nature Climate Change, presented at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings and visited the London School of Economics and Northwestern University. My research has influenced public guidance in Germany, the Netherlands, New York State, Norway, the UK and the US, as well as the Office for National Statistics, the Dasgupta Review and the OECD.

My research and teaching interests are primarily within resource and environmental economics. I am also interested in welfare economics and game theory. Recently I have studied whether we can infer socially relevant intertemporal preferences from saving behavior in the market.


  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) University of Oslo (UiO) (2014 — 2020)
  • Master of Philosophy (MPhil) University of Oslo (UiO) (2011 — 2014)
  • Master of Science (MSc) London School of Economics and Political Science (2012 — 2013)
  • Washington Semester Program American University (2011 — 2011)
  • Bachelor of Arts (BA) University of Oslo (UiO) (2008 — 2011)


  • Discounting and the green transition: District heating in Denmark (with M.C. Freeman, D.M. Sneum and E.R. Soysal), Energy Regulation in the Green Transition: An Anthology (B.E. Olsen et al., eds.), Danish Utility Regulator.

  • Climate economics support for the UN climate targets (with M.C. Hänsel, M.A. Drupp, D.J.H. Johansson, C. Azar, M.C. Freeman, B. Groom and T. Sterner), Nature Climate Change 10(8), 781-9.

  • Intergenerational altruism: A solution to the climate problem? (with G.B. Asheim), Handbook on the Economics of Climate Change (G. Chichilnisky and A. Rezai, eds.), Edward Elgar.

  • Discounting disentangled (with M.A. Drupp, M.C. Freeman and B. Groom), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 10(4), 109-34.

  • Risikojustering av kalkulasjonsrenta i samfunnsøkonomiske analysar (with D. Lund), Samfunnsøkonomen 132(4), 34-42.

  • Destructive intergenerational altruism (with G.B. Asheim), Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 3(4), 957-98.

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