GAO Minghua

Professor at the Department of Strategic Management at BNU Business School


  • BNU Business School




BNU Business School


  • 1994.9-1997.6 Ph.D. in Economics Nankai University
  • 1990.9-1993.6 Master in Economics Nankai University
  • 1983.9-1987.7 Bachelor in Education Dezhou University & Qufu Normal University

Work Experience

  • 2000.12 so far Beijing Normal University,Professor and Director of the Research Center of Corporate Governance and Enterprise Development
  • 2009.7-2014.7 Beijing Normal University, Dircetor of the Department of Strategic Management
  • 2009.1-2013.3 Beijing Normal University, Deputy Dean of Business School
  • 2009.3-2010.7 Beijing Normal University, Director of the MBA Education Center
  • 2000.3-2000.12 International Finance Institute of Bank of China, Associate Research Fellow
  • 1998.1-2000.3 School of Economics, Peking University, Postdoctoral
  • 1993.6-1997.12 Economy Institute, Nankai University, Research Assistant,Associate Research Fellow

Research Interests

  • Corporate governance
  • Theory of enterprise
  • State-owned enterprises reform and state-owned property supervision
  • Enterprise development strategy

Courses Taught

  • Industrial Organization (Undergraduate)
  • Corporate Governance (Undergraduate)
  • Classical Literature of Corporate Governance (Doctoral)
  • Firm Theory and Corporate Governance (Master and Doctoral)
  • Corporate Governance (MBA)

Professional Societies/Activities

  • Chief Economist And Main Initiator Of Branch Association Of Directors, China Property Association
  • Vice-President Of Branch Association Of Enterprise Governance, China Behavior Law Association
  • Vice-president of Professional Commitee of Private Enterprise Investment, China Investment Association
  • Member of the Committee of Business Administration Teaching Steering,Ministry of Education of China
  • Member of the first Committee of Disclosure Consult, Shanghai Stock Exchange
  • Member of the Committee of Chinese Enterprise Compliance, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
  • Member of the Professional Committee of Strategic Management, China Management Science Society
  • Special Economic Analyst, Xinhua News Agency
  • Academic committee member of the Political Economy Research Center Of Tsinghua University
  • Academic Committee Member Of The Academy Of State-Owned Enterprise Study, Tsinghua University
  • Academic Committee Member Of The Private Economy Research Center Of Chinese Academy Of Social Sciences

Honors and Awards

  • 2004.12 The First Prize Of The Eighth Beijing Municipal Excellent Achievements In Philosophy And Social Science
  • 2005.10 The Prize Of The Eleventh Sun Yefang Economic Sciences
  • 2007,Hundred Talents Project Of Beijing
  • 2008,The National Ministry Of Education Program For New Century Excellent Talents
  • 2015 “A Group Of Four” Project Of Propaganda And Cultural System In Beijing

Research Projects

  • The Major Program Of The National Social Science Fund " The Development Of Mixed Ownership Economy Research ", Grant No. 14ZDA025, Chief Expert;
  • The Key Project Of The National Social Science Fund "To Further Promote The Strategic Adjustment Of State-Owned Economy-----Based On The Study Of State-Owned Enterprises Classification Reform", Grant No. 12AZD059, Chief Expert;state-owned enterprises
  • The SPF Project: "The Reform Of China SOEs In View Of Corporate Governance Regulation, Chief Expert;
  • State-Owned Assets Supervision And Administration Comission Of The State Council Project:"Study For Minority Investors Protection of State Holding Listed Companies",host
  • PETROCHINA KUNLUN GAS CO.,LTD Project:"Study Of Shareholder Relations Under The Mixed Ownership Reform",Host
  • West Ham District Metro Airport Project: "Metro Airport Control Mode And Governance Structure", Host;
  • The National 985 Project: "Chinese Listed Companies Entrepreneur Ability Index", Host;
  • The National 985 Project: "Chinese Listed Companies Information Disclosure Index" Host ";
  • The National 985 Project: "Chinese Listed Companies Executive Compensation Index, Host;
  • Fundamental Research Funds For The Central Universities Special Major Project: "Research Of China Corporate Governance Index", Host;
  • The Ministry Of Education Program For New Century Excellent Talents: "Corporate Governace Decision System---Case-Based Reasoning",Host;
  • The National Social Science Fund Project: "The Ultimate Property Rights And Expropriation And Investor Rights Protection", Grant No. 09BJL023, Host


Major Works Published

  • Gao Minghua, etc., “Report on the Classified Corporate Governance Index of Chinese Listed Companies No.18(2019)", Social Sciences Academic Press, 2019;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., “Report on the Classified Corporate Governance Index of Chinese Listed Companies No.17(2018)", Social Sciences Academic Press, 2018;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on China Classified Corporate Governance Index No.16(2017)", Dongfang Press Center of China Press Group,2017;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on China Classified Corporate Governance Index No.15(2016)", Dongfang Press Center of China Press Group,2016;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on Minority Investors Protection Index of China’s Listed Companies(2015)",Economic Science Press, 2015;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on Board Governance Index of China’s Listed Companies (2015)",Economic Science Press, 2015;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on Finance Governance Index of China’s Listed Companies (2015)",Economic Science Press, 2015;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on Entrepreneur Ability Index of China’s Listed Companies (2014)",Economic Science Press, 2014;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on Voluntary Information Disclosure Index of China’s Listed Companies (2014)",Economic Science Press, 2014;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on Board Governance Index of China’s Listed Companies (2013)",Economic Science Press, 2013;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on Finance Governance Index of China’s Listed Companies (2013)",Economic Science Press, 2013;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on Executive Compensation Index of China’s Listed Companies (2013)",Economic Science Press, 2013;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on Entrepreneur Ability Index of China’s Listed Companies (2012)",Economic Science Press, 2012;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on Information Disclosure Index of China’s Listed Companies (2012)",Economic Science Press, 2012;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on Finance Governance Index of China’s Listed Companies (2011)",Economic Science Press, 2011;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on Executive Compensation Index of China’s Listed Companies (2011)",Economic Science Press, 2011;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on Information Disclosure Index of China’s Listed Companies (2010)",Economic Science Press, 2010;
  • Gao Minghua, etc., "Report on Executive Compensation Index of China’s Listed Companies (2009)",Economic Science Press, 2010;
  • Gao Minghua, "Corporate Governance and State-owned Enterprise Reformc", Dongfang Press Center of China Press Group,2017;
  • Gao Minghua, etc.,"Guidelines for Corporate Governance of Classified State-owned Enterprises", Dongfang Press Center of China Press Group,2016;
  • Gao Minghua, Wang Yanming,"Government Regulation and Corporate Governance of State-owned Monopolistic Enterprises", Dongfang Press Center of China Press Group,2016;
  • Gao Minghua,"Corporate Governance Study", China Economic Publishing House,2009;
  • Gao Minghua,"Corporate Governance: Theory Evolution and Empirical Analysis", Economic Science Press,2001;
  • Gao Minghua,"Rights Allocation and Enterprise Efficiency", Economic Science Press,1999;
  • Gao Minghua, Du Wencui(translate),"Governing the Coporation: Regulation and Corporate Governance in an age of Scandal and Global Markets", Economic Science Press,2011;
  • Gao Minghua,etc.,(translate),"Corporate Governance in Government Coporations", Economic Science Press,2010;
  • Gao Minghua(translate),"Improving Corporate Boards: the Boardroom Insider Guidebook", China Mechine Press,2006;
  • Zhu Song, Gao Minghua,"Study on the Impact of government support to SMES", Economic Science Press,2016;
  • Liu Wei, Gao Minghua,"Restructuring of State-owned Enterprises in Transition Period", Shanghai Far East Publisher,1999;
  • Gu Shutang, Gao Minghua,"Study on Labor Economy", Economic Science Press,1998.

Recent Major Journal Articles

  • Gao Minghua, Guo Chuanzi,2019,"Mixed Ownership, Effectiveness Of The Board Of Directors And Corporate".Research On Economics And Management, Vol.9.
  • Gao Minghua, Su Ran, Zeng Cheng,2018,"Voluntary Disclosure Evaluation And Market Effectiveness Test".Research on Economics and Management, 2018 Vol.3.
  • Zabihollah Rezaee, Huili Zhang, Huan Dou And Minghua Gao,2018, “Corporate Governance And Earnings Quality: Evidence From China ”, The IUP Journal Of Corporate Governance, April.
  • Gao Minghua, 2017,“Target Mode Of State-Owned Assets Supervision And Innovation Of Supervisory Mechanism Of Dispatched Supervisory Board” ,Tianjin Social Sciences, Vol.5.
  • Wang Jianzhong, Gao Minghua,2017,"Anti-Corruption, Entrepreneur Ability And Enterprise Innovation",Economic Management, Vol.6.
  • Hao Jiao, Dan Yang, Minghua Gao, Peihong Xie, Yibing Wu, 2016,“Entrepreneurial Ability And Technological Innovation: Evidence From Publicly Listed Companies In An Emerging Economy”. Technological Forecasting & Social Change,112,164-170.
  • Gao Minghua,Cai Weixing,Zhao Xuan,2016,"Evaluation On Minority Investors Protection Of China's Listed Companies And Efficiency Analysis", Journal Of Shenzhen University, Vol.3.
  • Fang FANG, Peng TAN, Minghua GAO, 2016, “Can Minority Investor Protection Restrain Earnings Management? An Empirical Test Of China’s Listed Companies.” International Review Of Business, No.16, March.
  • Fang Fang, Gao Minghua, SEMBA Hu Dan, 2016,“Executive Ability, Industry Competition And Executive Pay: An Empirical Analysis Of Chinses Listed Companies.” Economic Science, Vol.63, No.3.
  • Gao Minghua,2015, “Corporate Governance And The Development Of Mixed Ownership", Tianjin Social Sciences, Vol.5.
  • Du Wencui, Gao Minghua,2015, "The Process Of Marketization, Entrepreneurship Ability And Economic Growth", Research On Economics And Management, Vol.8.
  • Ke Xijia, Gao Minghua, Chen Yanhan, 2015,"Institutional Investors Holding And Efficiency Of Corporate Governance Of Chinese Listed Companies: Based On The Sequential Game, Accounting Monthly, Vol.8.
  • Cai Weixing, Gao Minghua, Li Guowen, 2015,"Government Support, Credit Availability And Development Of Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises Decision-Making", Research And Development Management, Vol.5.
  • Su Ran, Gao Minghua,2015, "The Perquisite Consumption And Corporate Performance: The View Of Agency Or Efficiency View -- Based On The Study Of Executive Incentive Perspective", Journal Of Shenzhen University (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION) ,Vol.2.
  • Ke Xijia, Gao Minghua, 2015,"Performance, Entrepreneur Ability And The Cash Dividend Distribution", Friend Of The Accountant, Vol.8.
  • Gao Minghua, Du Wencui, 2014,"Re-deconstruction of Supervision System of the Person in Charge of State-owned Enterprises: Classification and stratification", Reform, Vol.12.
  • Gao Minghua,Du Wencui, Tan Yuening, Su Ran,2014,"Aspects Of Mixed Ownship Economy Development", Review On Political Economics, Vol.4.
  • Gao Minghua, Ren Jin,2014,"Analysis Of The Factors affecting corporate hollowing : Evidences From 1682 Listed Companies",Study And Exploration, Vol.10.
  • Yang Dan, Gao Minghua,2014, "Cross-Listing And Information Disclosure Level: Derive From The Motivation Of International Financing And Regulatory Environment", Modern Finance And Economics, Vol.10.
  • Gao Minghua, Fang Fang,2014,"Interaction Effects Of Board Governance And Finance Governance: Based On Empirical Test Of Earnings Management Of Accrual And Real Activity".Research on Economics and Management,Vol.8.
  • Youchao Tan, Zhenmei Zhu, Cheng Zeng, Minghua Gao,2014, “Does External Finance Pressure Affect Corporate Disclosure Of Chinese Non-State-Owned Enterprises?” International Review Of Financial Analysis, January.
  • Gao Minghua, Yang Dan, Du Wencui,2014,"Reform And Governance Of State-Owned Enterprises Classified: Based On 7 State-Owned Enterprises",Vol.2.
  • Gao Minghua, Tan Yuening,2014,"Board Governance, Rights Property And Agent Cost",Research on Economics and Management,Vol.2.
  • Gao Minghua, Su Ran, Fang Fang, 2014,"Evaluation On Board Governance Of Chinese Listed Companies And Efficiency Test", Economic Dynamics,Vol,2.
  • Gao Minghua,Du Wencui,2013,"External Supervision,Insider Control And Operation Risk: Evidences From Listed Companies",South China Economy, Vol,12.
  • Fang, F, Gao, M.H., Dong, W.J., 2013,"How does Corporate Governance Affect Earnings Management in China? In the View of Financial Monitoring", Economic Science, Vol.61, No.3, pp.15-33.

Major Policy Reports

  • “Reform Orientation And Corporate Governance Mechanism Design Of Different Types Of State-Owned Enterprises",Submitted To The Ministry Of Education Of China And Adopted,And Reported To The Higher Authority,2018.
  • "Protectiton Of Rights Of Mitority Investors In State-Owned Holding Listed Companies", Submitted To The SASAC Of State Council, January 2016.
  • "Classification And Stratification Of Leaders Of State-Owned Enterprises", Written Into The CPC Central Committee And The State Council On Deepening The Reform Of State Owned Enterprises Guidance, 2015.
  • Report On The New West Ham Airport Metro Governance Advisory", Submitted To West Ham CMC Metro Airport And Put Into Practice, 2014.
  • "Position And Function Of State-Owned Enterprises In Beijing Economic And Social Development",Submitted To The SASAC Of Beijing Government, 2008.
  • "The 11th Five-Year Development Plan Of Tianjin High-Tech Industrial Park",Submitted To The Management Council Of Tianjin High-Tech Industrial Park,2005.
  • "Supervision System of Beijing State-owned Assets",submitted to the SASAC of Beijing Government, 2005.
  • "Authorized Operation of Beijing State-owned Assets",submitted to the SASAC of Beijing Government, 2004.
  • "Target Mode of State-owned Assets Supersivion",submitted to the Finance Committee of National People's Congress,2004.
  • "Study on Deepening Shareholding System Roform and Improving Corporate Governance", submitted to the SASAC of State Council, January 2004.
  • Diversity Of Equities Of Large And Medium-Sized State-Owned Enterprises",Submitted To The Former State Economic And Trade Commission,2002.

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