Gary Greaves

Senior Lecturer at Nanyang Technological University


  • Nanyang Technological University



Nanyang Technological University

Gary R.W. Greaves received his PhD from the University of London in 2012 after which he became a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science. In 2016 he joined SPMS at NTU as a lecturer and became a senior lecturer in 2020.

Dr Greaves' research lies on the interface of algebra, combinatorics, and number theory with computational leanings. His research draws its motivation from and enjoys applications to problems in fields including Quantum Physics and Computer Science. He is currently occupied on problems in

  • spectral graph theory
  • frame theory
  • algebraic combinatorics
  • algebraic number theory

Current Grants

Algebraic structural constraints for distance regular graphs Task Allocation Algorithms for Cloud Computing


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