George Balabanis
Professor of marketing at Bayes Business School
- Bayes Business School
Bayes Business School
George Balabanis is a professor of marketing and holds a Ph.D degree from Strathclyde University. His research focuses on the areas of international marketing strategy, cross-cultural consumer behaviour and online relationships. He is a member of a number of marketing institutes as well as various American, European and British Academies in the areas of Management and Marketing. He is a member of the editorial board of British Journal of Management and BuR - Business Research and currently is one of the most popular Phd supervisors as he supervises 5 Phd students. His work has been published in outlets such as the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of International Marketing, Long Range Planning, Journal of Business Research, British Journal of Management, International Business Review, International Marketing Review,Journal of Global Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, etc as well as many prestigious conference proceedings
BSc (Hons and PhD.
Memberships of Professional Organisations
- Member, American Marketing Association, Feb 2004 – present
- Member, Academy of Marketing Science, Jan 1998 – present
- Member, European Marketing Academy, Apr 1996 – present
- Global Marketing Conference in Seoul South Korea (2012) Best Paper Award
- Best paper award with Minas Kastanakis of a paper on Luxury Consumption Style
- Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo (2010) Best paper Award
- Best paper Award with Minas Kastanakis for“Between the mass and the class: an examination of the individual factors associated with bandwagon luxury consumption behaviour"
French, Greek, Modern (1453-) and Spanish; Castilian.
Primary Topics
- E-Business
- E-Marketing
- International Business
- Marketing
- Marketing Management
Additional Topics
- Business Ethics
- Multivariate statistics
- Strategic Management
- advertising
- banking
- consumer goods
- distribution
- e-commerce
- professional servicesretailing
Geographic Areas
- Europe - Central
- Americas - South
- Asia
- Europe
- Europe - Southeast
- Americas - Latin
- Middle East
- Europe - Western
- Asia - East
- Europe - Eastern
- Europe - Southern
Over the last 3 years the main focus of my research was on international marketing in the fields of Country of Origin Effects/consumer ethnocentrism and strategy development. The first topic the emphasis was in the development of a new measurement tools for consumer ethnocentrism; a meta-analytical study of consumer ethnocentrism with new explanatory variables; how product/country typicality influences explicit and implicit Country of origin effects and the signalling effects of local brands to a country's image. The second area of research tries to expand and test Mintzberg's work on emerging strategies in international business. It examines the nesting of marketing level strategies into the corporate level strategy and analyses deviations from that profiles (antecedents and consequences). It also develops ideal profiles of the conditions that favor different types of strategies and how deviations from these profiles affect business performance. In addition, there were some projects on blind market engagement and the factors that encourage/inhibit it; the factors that the influence boycotting of MNEs (the focus was on surrogate boycotts where the MNE was used to put pressure on a government about a contentious issue)
Research Topics
Celebrity endorsing of peroducts: good and bad endorsers
The project examines the positive and negative reaction to different celebrity endorsers. It uses social comparison theory and examines upward and downward social comparisons consumers make with good and bad celebrities in a parasocial relationship context.
Sexist advertising: A fad or an effective tool
It examines the popularity and mixed success of sexist ads combined with humor. The focus is on the type of audiences that respond to these ads and the moderating role of humour
Relationship between CSR and brand equity
It tries to identifyu the aspects of CSR that influence more brand equity, industry patterns and the existence of lag effects
Getting from the glitter of fashion brands
It examines how technological brands can improve the brand personality of new products through co-branding with fashion brands
The attraction of foreign producs
The study analyses the reason behind the tedency of consumers in emerging and less developed countries to prefer foreign to domestic products
Balabanis, G. (1993). The General Trading Company in EC, Development, Perceived Roles and Strategic Orientation: An Exploratory Research. In Baker, M.J. (Ed.), Perspectives in Marketing Management (Volume 3) (pp. 27–45). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-93827-9.
Journal Articles (41)
- Chari, S., Balabanis, G., Robson, M.J. and Slater, S. (2017). Alignments and misalignments of realized marketing strategies with administrative systems: Performance implications. Industrial Marketing Management, 63(May 2017), pp. 129–144. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2016.11.002.
- Balabanis, G. and Siamagka, N.T. (2017). Inconsistencies in the behavioural effects of consumer ethnocentrism: The role of brand, product category and country of origin. International Marketing Review, 34(2), pp. 166–182. doi:10.1108/IMR-03-2015-0057.
- Stathopoulou, A. and Balabanis, G. (2016). The effects of loyalty programs on customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty toward high- and low-end fashion retailers. Journal of Business Research, 69(12), pp. 5801–5808. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.04.177.
- Sääksjärvi, M., Hellén, K. and Balabanis, G. (2016). Sometimes a celebrity holding a negative public image is the best product endorser. European Journal of Marketing, 50(3-4), pp. 421–441. doi:10.1108/EJM-06-2014-0346.
- Balabanis, G. and Diamantopoulos, A. (2016). Consumer Xenocentrism as Determinant of Foreign Product Preference: A System Justification Perspective. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING, 24(3), pp. 58–77. doi:10.1509/jim.15.0138.
- Siamagka, N.-.T. and Balabanis, G. (2015). Revisiting Consumer Ethnocentrism: Review, Reconceptualization, and Empirical Testing. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING, 23(3), pp. 66–86.
- Chari, S., Katsikeas, C.S., Balabanis, G. and Robson, M.J. (2014). Emergent marketing strategies and performance: The effects of market uncertainty and strategic feedback systems. British Journal of Management, 25(2), pp. 145–165. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8551.2012.00843.x.
- Kastanakis, M.N. and Balabanis, G. (2014). Explaining variation in conspicuous luxury consumption: An individual differences' perspective. Journal of Business Research, 67(10), pp. 2147–2154. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2014.04.024.
- Balabanis, G. (2013). Surrogate Boycotts against Multinational Corporations: Consumers' Choice of Boycott Targets. British Journal of Management, 24(4), pp. 515–531. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8551.2012.00822.x.
- Kastanakis, M.N. and Balabanis, G. (2012). Between the mass and the class: Antecedents of the "bandwagon" luxury consumption behavior. Journal of Business Research, 65(10), pp. 1399–1407. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2011.10.005.
- Balabanis, G., Mitchell, V.W., Bruce, I. and Riefler, P. (2012). A Conceptual Stress-Coping Model of Factors Influencing Marketplace Engagement of Visually Impaired Consumers. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 46(3), pp. 485–505. doi:10.1111/j.1745-6606.2012.01234.x.
- Tseng, T.H. and Balabanis, G. (2011). Explaining the product-specificity of country-of-origin effects. International Marketing Review, 28(6), pp. 581–600. doi:10.1108/02651331111181420.
- Balabanis, G. and Diamantopoulos, A. (2011). Gains and losses from the misperception of brand origin: The role of brand strength and country-of-origin image. Journal of International Marketing, 19(2), pp. 95–116. doi:10.1509/jimk.19.2.95.
- Balabanis, G., Vince, W., Mitchell, I.B. and Riefler, P. (2011). Understanding how visually impaired consumers engage with the marketplace. Journal of Consumer Affairs .
- Mitchell, V.W., Balabanis, G., Schlegelmilch, B.B. and Cornwell, T.B. (2009). Measuring unethical consumer behavior across four countries. Journal of Business Ethics, 88(2), pp. 395–412. doi:10.1007/s10551-008-9971-1.
- Balabanis, G. and Diamantopoulos, A. (2008). Brand origin identification by consumers: A classification perspective. Journal of International Marketing, 16(1), pp. 39–71. doi:10.1509/jimk.16.1.39.
- Balabanis, G., Mitchell, V.W. and Heinonen-Mavrovouniotis, S. (2007). SMS-based surveys: Strategies to improve participation. International Journal of Advertising, 26(3), pp. 369–385.
- Souitaris, V. and Balabanis, G. (2007). Tailoring Online Retail Strategies to Increase Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty. Long Range Planning, 40(2), pp. 244–261. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2006.11.006.
- Balabanis, G. and Spyropoulou, S. (2007). Matching modes of export strategy development to different environmental conditions. British Journal of Management, 18(1), pp. 45–62. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8551.2006.00505.x.
- Balabanis, G., Dentiste Mueller, R. and Melewar, T.C. (2007). In-group and out-group orientations and their relation to formation of Country of Origin Image stereotypes. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 1(3), pp. 328–344.
- Balabanis, G., Reynolds, N. and Simintiras, A. (2006). Bases of e-store loyalty: Perceived switching barriers and satisfaction. Journal of Business Research, 59(2), pp. 214–224. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2005.06.001.
- Balabanis, G. (2005). Determinants of export intermediaries' service-mix configurations. International Marketing Review, 22(4), pp. 436–459. doi:10.1108/02651330510608451.
- Balabanis, G. and Diamantopoulos, A. (2004). Domestic Country Bias, Country-of-Origin Effects, and Consumer Ethnocentrism: A Multidimensional Unfolding Approach. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32(1), pp. 80–95. doi:10.1177/0092070303257644.
- Balabanis, G., Theodosiou, M. and Katsikea, E.S. (2004). Export marketing: developments and a research agenda. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING REVIEW, 21(4-5), pp. 353–377. doi:10.1108/02651330410547081.
- Balabanis, G.I. and Katsikea, E.S. (2003). Being an entrepreneurial exporter: Does it pay? International Business Review, 12(2), pp. 233–252. doi:10.1016/S0969-5931(02)00098-7.
- Balabanis, G., Mueller, R. and Melewar, T.C. (2002). The human values' lenses of country of origin images. International Marketing Review, 19(6), pp. 582–610. doi:10.1108/02651330210451935.
- Balabanis, G., Mueller, R. and Melewar, T.C. (2002). The Relationship between Consumer Ethnocentrism and Human Values. Journal of Global Marketing, 15(3-4), pp. 7–37. doi:10.1300/J042v15n03_02.
- Balabanis, G. (2002). The relationship between lottery ticket and scratch-card buying behaviour, personality and other compulsive behaviours. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2, pp. Jul–22.
- Balabanis, G.I. (2001). The Relationship between Diversification and Performance in Export Intermediary Firms. British Journal of Management, 12(1), pp. 67–84.
- Balabanis, G., Diamantopoulos, A., Mueller, R.D. and Melewar, T.C. (2001). The impact of nationalism, patriotism and internationalism on consumer ethnocentric tendencies. Journal of International Business Studies, 32(1), pp. 157–175. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8490943.
- Balabanis, G. and Reynolds, N.L. (2001). Consumer attitudes towards multi-channel retailers' web sites: the role of involvement, brand attitude, internet knowledge and visit duration. Journal of Business Strategies, 18(2), pp. 1–22.
- Balabanis, G.I. (2000). Factors affecting export intermediaries’ service offerings: The british example. Journal of International Business Studies, 31(1), pp. 83–99. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8490901.
- Balabanis, G., Melewar, T.C. and Turnbull, S. (2000). International Advertising Strategies of Multinational Enterprises in the Middle East. International Journal of Advertising, 19(4), pp. 529–547.
- Balabanis, G. and Vassileiou, S. (1999). Some Attitudinal Predictors of Home-Shopping through the Internet. Journal of Marketing Management, 15(5), pp. 361–385. doi:10.1362/026725799784870315.
- Balabanis, G., Phillips, H.C. and Lyall, J. (1998). Corporate social responsibility and economic performance in the top British companies: Are they linked? European Business Review, 98(1), pp. 25–44. doi:10.1108/09555349810195529.
- Balabanis, G. (1998). Antecedents of cooperation, conflict and relationship longevity in an international trade intermediary’s supply chain. Journal of Global Marketing, 12(2), pp. 25–46. doi:10.1300/J042v12n02_03.
- Balabanis, G., Stables, R.E. and Phillips, H.C. (1997). Market orientation in the top 200 British charity organizations and its impact on their performance. European Journal of Marketing, 31(8), pp. 583–603. doi:10.1108/03090569710176592.
- Balabanis, G. and Craven, S. (1997). Consumer confusion from own brand lookalikes: An exploratory investigation. Journal of Marketing Management, 13(4), pp. 299–313. doi:10.1080/0267257X.1997.9964474.
- Balabanis, G.I. and Baker, M.J. (1993). Determinants and Direction of Trading Companies′ Development in Europe. European Journal of Marketing, 27(9), pp. 58–76. doi:10.1108/03090569310764421.
- Balabanis, G. and Baker, M.J. (1993). Barriers to the Development of a European General Trading Company. Journal of Euromarketing, 2(3), pp. 45–72. doi:10.1300/J037v02n03_04.
- Tseng Hsiang, T., Balabanis, G. and Liu, M. Explaining Inconsistencies in Implicit and Explicit Attitudes towards Domestic and Foreign Products. International Marketing Review .
Subject/Academic Leadership
- Chair of the City University validation panel for the Ecole Superieure de Commerce Paris known as ESCP Europe MSc in Management course (last validation was in March 2012) since 2010 (member of the validation panel since 2004.ESCP Europe ranked 2nd in Financial Times' global Master in Management league table.
- Member of the City University Validation and Institutional Partnerships (VIP) committee since 2010
- External assessor in the validation of the Brunel Business School Bsc in Business studies and management programs (January 2012)
- Track and co-track conference chair for the European Academy Marketing Conferences in the tracks of International MArketing and Marketing theory respectively (2007, 2009, 2010, 2011)
- External examiner in various promotion and recruitment panels for professorial and Senior appointments in Cardiff Business School ( June 2012), Brunel University (May 2012), Leeds University (2011, 2010, 2009), International Hellenic University of Greece (2009,2011), University of Kent (2008) University of Southampton (2008), Vienna University Austria (2008)
- Acting head of the Marketing Group for 2009-2011 and deputy head before that.
- Member of the Cass Business School Research Committee 2008-2010 and occasionally of the promotion committee (2011)
- External examiner of PhD qualifications in several universities (see separate section).
Editorial Activities (18)
- California Management Review, Referee, 2011 – present.
- Journal of Euromarketing, Member of Editorial Board, 2010 – present.
- Journal of Αdvertising, Referee, 2010 – present.
- International Journal of Research in Marketing, Referee, 2010 – present.
- Journal of International Business Studies, Member of Editorial Board, 2009 – 2014.
- Journal of Economic Psychology, Referee, 2009 – present.
- International Marketing Review, Member of Editorial Board, 2007 – present.
- BuR -Business Research, Member of Editorial Board, 2007 – present.
- Journal of Business Research, Referee, 2006 – present.
- British Journal of Management, Member of Editorial Board, 2005 – present.
- Journal of Management Studies, Referee, 2004 – present.
- Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, Referee, 2003 – 2007.
- International Marketing Review, Special Editor, 2003.
- International Business Review, Referee, 2003 – present.
- Long Range Planning, Referee, 2002 – 2005.
- International Journal of Advertising, Referee, 2002 – present.
- Journal of International Marketing, editorial board, 2002 – present.
- European Journal of Marketing, Referee, 1996 – present.
George Balabanis
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