George Roth

Lecturer at Sloan School of Management


  • Sloan School of Management



Sloan School of Management

George Roth is currently a Research Scientist at MIT’s Institute for Data, Systems and Society IDSS). He is an executive coach and organization development consultant with Systems Perspective. George has been a faculty member with the Academy for Systems Change. He was a Principle Research Associate at the MIT Sloan School of Management, leading a research effort into multi-organization change that resulted in the 2015 book Systemic Change Management: The Five Capabilities for Improving Enterprises. His previous roles at MIT included Executive Director of the Ford-MIT Alliance – an alliance emphasizing learning and knowledge creation activities in engineering research, education and environmental policy, and Research Director for the MIT Center for Organizational Learning – a consortium of companies developing and applying systems thinking methods and organizational learning skills to improve corporations and their people. From 2012 to 2019 George was Visiting Associate Professor of Management at the University of New Hampshire’s Paul College of Business and Economics. While at UNH, he was a faculty senate member, active in Holloway Prize and Service Venture Innovation Challenge entrepreneurship competitions, and taught graduate, undergraduate and on-line courses in leadership, strategy, organizational theory, business and society, and organization behavior.

George is the past Chair of the Organization Development and Change Division of the Academy of Management. He is a founding member of the Society for Organizational Learning. He is the author of numerous award-winning academic and professional journal articles on learning and change; including articles in the Harvard Business Review, Organizational Dynamics, and AQP Journal, describing new approaches to diffusing learning across organizations. Other writing about companies’ experiences in developing, sustaining, and transforming learning are in his co-authored books: To the Desert and Back: The Story of one of the Most Dramatic Business Transformations on Record (Jossey-Bass), The Dance of Change: The Challenges to Sustain Momentum in Learning Organizations (Doubleday/Currency), Car Launch: The Human Side of Managing Change and Oil Change: Perspectives on Corporate Transformation (both Oxford University Press).

Prior to his academic career he worked for ten years at the computer industry in the US and Europe. George has a Ph.D. in Organization Studies, an MBA in marketing and finance, and BS in Mechanical Engineering. His hobbies include a love for the outdoor and its year-round activities. He has been for married for over 30 years, and he and his wife Linda have two adult daughters.

Areas of Interest and Expertise

  • Theory Development
  • Organizational Learning, Change and Improvement Initiatives
  • Leadership for Learning
  • Diffusion of Learning
  • Ford Motor Company-MIT Alliance
  • Materials Systems
  • Management Science (MS)


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