Gerrit Maus

Assistant Professor



Gerrit Maus studied Cognitive Science in Germany, got a PhD in Psychology in England, and moved on to California, where he worked as a Cognitive Neuroscience researcher at the University of California in Davis and Berkeley.

He has also visited the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt, the University of Glasgow, the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute in San Francisco, and the Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception in Paris. Since 2015, he is a Nanyang Assistant Professor at NTU. His lab focuses on studies of visual perception and its underlying neural mechanisms, investigating how the brain is able to predict and fill in missing information.

Research Interest

  • Visual perception
  • eye movements
  • perception and action Prediction
  • extrapolation and interpolation of perceptual information Functional neuroimaging transcranial magnetic stimulation

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