Gooi Hoay Beng

Associate Professor at Nanyang Technological University Centre for Professional and Continuing Education


  • Nanyang Technological University Centre for Professional and Continuing Education




Nanyang Technological University Centre for Professional and Continuing Education


H. B. GOOI received his PhD degree from Ohio State University in 1983. From 1983 to 1985 he was an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, USA. From 1985 to 1991, he was a Senior Engineer with Empros (now Siemens), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA where he was responsible for the design and testing coordination of domestic and international energy management system (EMS) projects.

In 1991, Dr. Gooi joined the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore as a Senior Lecturer. He has been an Associate Professor since 1999. In September 2008, he was appointed Deputy Head of Power Engineering Division.

Dr. Gooi is a Senior Member of IEEE, a registered professional engineer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, USA and Singapore. He is a member of Sub-Committee for Fundamentals of Engineering Examination (Electrical), Professional Engineers Board Singapore. He was Technical Chairman (‘99, ‘01 and ‘03) of International Power Engineering Conference. He is Program Manager of A*STAR Intelligent Energy Distribution System (IEDS) at NTU. He taught Energy Management System courses for dispatchers and managers at Power System Control Centre in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia. He is a member of IEEE Computing and Analytical Method Sub-Committee, USA and IEEE System Control Center Sub-Committee, USA since ‘98 and ‘01 respectively. He has served as a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and IET Proc Generation, Transmission and Distribution since ‘98 and ‘06 respectively. He is listed in Who Who’s in Science and Engineering. He has published over 120 technical papers.

Dr. Gooi’s research focuses primarily on microgrids, electricity markets, probabilistic spinning reserve and forecasting and scheduling for both vertically integrated and restructured power systems.

Research Interests

Prof Gooi's areas of expertise are Energy Management Systems, Forecast & Scheduling Applications, and Network Applications. His current research focuses on Microgrid Energy Management Systems, Electricity Markets, Spinning Reserve, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources.

Current Projects

  • A Universal Hardware-In-Loop Platform for Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids
  • Blockchain-based Decentralized Peer-to-peer Energy Trading
  • Energy Portal Project for NTU
  • Improving Reliability and Economic Performance of Microgrids
  • Novel Hierarchical Transactive Energy Management System Incorporating Predictive Assessment Techniques for Enhanced Community Market Participation
  • Selected Publications

  • Mahdi Ashabani, and Gooi Hoay Beng. (2018). Multiobjective Autonomous Intelligent Load Control for Smart Buildings. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, .

  • Mohammad Javad Sanjari and Gooi Hoay Beng. (2017). Probabilisitic Forecast of PV Power Generation based on Higher-order Markov Chain. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 32(4), 2942 – 2952.

  • Ye Jian, Gooi Hoay Beng, and Wu Fengjiang. (2017). Optimization of the Size of UPQC System Based on Data-Driven Control Design. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, .

  • Hu Wuhua, Wang Ping and Gooi Hoay Beng. (2017). Towards Optimal Energy Management of Microgrids via Robust Two-stage Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, .

  • Faranak Golestaneh, Gooi Hoay Beng, and Pierre Pinson. (2016). Generation and Evaluation of Space–Time Trajectories of Photovoltaic Power. Applied Energy, 176, 80-91.

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